Saturday, February 5, 2011

Preschool Wrap Up

 We did quite a few Chinese New Year activities.  Most of what we did came straight from Fairy Dust Teaching, my new favorite blog (well, I have hundreds of favorites, but you know...).

 Chinese New Year play dough (also great for Valentine's).  I highly recommend Wilton Red-Red Icing Color.  I used it to get this rich red color.
We made Chinese lanterns.

And a Chinese dragon (my own idea) for our dragon dance.
Bear practiced her eye hand coordination.  She's almost faster than we are at this game.

Did addition puzzles (and also the Montessori bank game and hundred board).
And delighted in doing brown stair/pink tower extensions.
Now that she goes three full days to school, as opposed to half days, we have done less schooling at home and focused more on playing.  

Bear decided to get ready for our trip to Florida. This is her car loaded for the drive.  There are cupcake snacks, her sewing basket in case she gets bored, books, a pillow to take a nap, the stroller for J-jo, keys for the ignition and "gas" (hexagon pattern blocks) so the car can go.  This is just one example of the kind of pretend play she has been engaged in this week.

Linked to Preschool Corner.


  1. I love Bear's ideas of the things she needs on the trip. You still do a lot with her considering that she is in school for three days. Enjoy your trip to Florida!

  2. I'm loving just finding Fairy Dust Teaching as well!
    Cool activities I've booked marked for when we do Asia.

  3. We worked on that extension (PT & BS) too this week!!, love the fishing game my princes have one in miniature... kindof "triky"!!lol

  4. I love her "packed car". She's so imaginative and creative. I love it.

  5. I agree it is a lot more difficult to find time for montessori works if they've been at school all day and the only thing they want to do is play with the sibling or mommy :)
