Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cars and Colors

My goal is for J-jo to learn his colors asap.  I think he knows them, but he won't let me "test" him.  When I ask him to show me yellow, for instance, when I present a yellow ball and a red ball, he'll grin at me mischievously and take both balls.  Yet, sometimes, he will match correctly, or choose correctly.
Here's today's effort to reinforce the color words.
I took the Mickey Mouse paint samples from Home Depot and lined them up.  Then I handed him the cars and asked him to put them on the matching color card.  A good work, in theory.  He was more interested in zooming the cars down the slide.


  1. I feel your pain with an uncooperative test subject. L is just really not interested in colors at the moment despite my desire to teach them to her. I think I'm going to move on and circle back eventually.

  2. Fantastic idea! My 2yr. old hasn't been cooperating w/ me lately either--lol!

  3. I love this - it's easy to prepare and a great color-matching activity for vehicle lovers! I featured your post and photo at
