Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Artists and Art - More Matisse

Bear has really been enjoying Matisse so I decided to come up with another project for him.
This art project was inspired by Matisse's Beasts of the Sea cutout.

This week's project involved watercolors (we like Colorations liquid watercolors from Discount School Supply).   We painted rectangles on our paper, which we wet slightly first.  

While the paint dried, we cut black paper into interesting shapes, which we later glued to the background paper.

This one is before I showed her a trick to keep her rectangles with really straight borders.
This is after I gave her a few pointers about rectangles.
Before you all marvel at Bear's amazing scissor abilities, that really curvy shape is one I cut out.

My two favorite Matisse books include Laurence Anholt's Matisse the King of Color and Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors .
Remember, you can download our Matisse art cards here.

This post also linked to stART
and to Kids Get Crafty

Note: The linky tool now needs a paid subscription.  Does anyone know of another type of linky tool that is free?


  1. Great collage and what is the secret for straight rectangles?

    I can't believe how Linky Tools handled their transition to paid service - it's disgusting! I am planning to use http://www.inlinkz.com.

  2. Since you didn't have a linky, I thought I would leave my link in the comments. It is a project with Botticelli's circle painting.
