Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some Toy Reviews

Have some last minute toys and games you need to purchase? 


I love this number recognition puzzle we just received from CSN stores.  It was one of two things I chose with the gift code I received for writing posts for them.
peg puzzle

This is a great toy to learn numbers. The child learns one to one correspondence as she sticks one peg per hole in the game pieces and at the same time learns to recognize how many pegs make up the number two, three, etc. The toy even allows for creative play because the pegs can be stacked one on top of another. You can use these pegs to teach color names, patterns, and matching. It is a great, multi-use toy.  Even though Bear knows her numbers, I know she is going to want to play with J-jo’s Christmas present :)

The second thing we chose was the Ticket to Ride board game.  This is meant to be a present for my husband.We first played this game at my parents’ house two years ago and fell in love with it.  It’s a lot of fun trying to stop your opponents from finishing their train lines.  I think with a bit of tweaking even Bear could join in and play.

My mom joined in on the order and bought the pretend cupcakes for Bear’s Christmas present.  I’d had it in my cart for a long time as Bear had seen it once while I was browsing and had asked for it.
They are well made and really pretty and Bear is going to love them.  I only wish that the tops could velcro to the bottoms, but I can easily fix that with those little velcro circles.  I am sure we will be having numerous tea parties in the new year.


Disclaimer: I receive gift codes from CSN stores to purchase the first two items, but the opinions I give are my own and not influenced by the fact that I didn’t pay for them.

1 comment:

  1. I got the same Ticket to Ride game for my birthday last week - Anna is itching already to play it. The biggest item on our Christmas list is Magna Tiles - I surely hope Anna will enjoy them.
