Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saint Nicholas Day

Sunday, the 5th, is the eve of Saint Nicholas' feast day.  We will be putting a shoe filled with a carrot and gingerbread (apparently Saint Nicholas likes it) by the front door for him to fill. The Saint Nicholas Center has lots of information about the saint and tons of ideas as to how to celebrate the day.

On December 6th, Bear will get to slip candy canes in her classmates’ folders without them noticing – her good “St. Nicholas deed”.  Back home we will sing songs like this one and Bear will enjoy eating her candy cane and chocolate coins.  I also made each of them a little surprise that I will blog about Monday.

There is an online story of Saint Nicholas that I will read with Bear, even though we have read a couple of books about him already.

This last book was the easiest to understand for Bear.  The second book was too long and the first was really about the St. Nicholas Cathedral, not the man himself.

Does anyone else celebrate Saint Nicholas day?  If so, what are your traditions?


  1. I am not sure if you read her blog but Kara at does. She has some of the things they do up on her blog :-)

  2. I'm thinking of starting it. You were lucky I wasn't able to find any books at our library about Saint Nicholas, so we had to content ourselves with watching the Veggietales movie.

  3. I love this post. Yes, we will be celebrating the good Saint. We do it a little differently each year. I love your ideas.

  4. We celebrate St Nicholas day too - it's big in Germany, but my husband insists that St Nicholas comes on the night from 6th to 7th - that's how it was in his family. We read a couple of good books - A Baker's Dozen and The Legend of St Nicholas. We also plan to watch Veggie Tales about St Nicholas later today.

  5. We never celebrated it before, but an internet friend sent Robbie some books (since ours are all in storage) and they arrived on the 6th. RockerDad and I decided that it would be wonderful to celebrate it each year in our own way and use it as the day to give books and such about the holiday season so that they can be enjoyed over the rest of the season. My mother-in-law is excited because they celebrated it as children.

    I hope Bear is feeling better.
