Tuesday, December 7, 2010

At the Doctor's

Bear was sick at school on Monday; hence, there is no Artists and Art post today as I spent all morning at the doctor's office waiting and waiting (we were walk-in patients) to see the pediatrician and then waiting for the breathing treatment.  Bear's fine but needs to take asthma medication to help her breathe a bit better until this cold is gone.  Thankfully my in-laws took care of J-jo so the wait at the doctor was not bad.


  1. Sorry that Bear is sick! I hope she feels better with medications. It's not a good time to be sick (as if there is ever a good time)

  2. Sorry to hear Bear has been sick. It's really tough especially when the child has a hard time breathing. This is one of the main reasons I decided not to send JC to school. When she has a cold, she has a hard time breathing at night. Hope Bear feels better soon. ((Hugs))

  3. Aw, I hope she feels better soon!

  4. Thanks everyone. She's already feeling better and hardly coughing.
