Monday, May 3, 2010

Math Monday - Building Numbers

Using our bead chains, Bear built numbers today, though this wasn't the first time she did this activity.  She flipped over a sandpaper number, said the number, traced it, then built the number. 
She looks at the tens and decides how many tens chains she needs, and then looks at the ones and counts out individual beads.  We've been placing the beads and chains right on the numbers, but I think I will print out a place value mat for her to use next time.


  1. It looks like most of the kids in our circle of bloggers are ready for larger numbers. We have put off introducing place value as long as we can but finally gave it it a shot. I'm surprised how well it went but of course, we will need more practice for it to solidify. Well, that's my guess. Thanks for linking up by the way!

    I'm hoping after our break, we will be energized with more math game ideas!

  2. Nice Job!!! We'll starting today with the teen boards!!

  3. Bear is really smart - I think Anna only got two-digit numbers a couple of months ago. This is a great activity to help her visualize them.
