Friday, February 11, 2011

Felted Soap

I love when I find an activity that can include J-jo.  At 18 months, these are limited, but soap felting was a great one.
 I got the tutorial from here via Sew Liberated, but I must say, I read the directions and then didn't quite follow them, so the product is nowhere as beautiful as the ones on the tutorial.  I used a lot less roving and did forgot pantyhose until further on in the process.

 In making, not quite finished.
Pretty much done, but a bit soapy.

 They're wonderful to have in the bath as they double as a washcloth.  The kids are loving using them and I wish I had made one for myself:)


  1. I've never heard of felted soap - looks interesting. It's fascinating to see Jo-Jo so busily participating in all the activities - I can't believe how fast he is growing!

  2. I have a blog award for you over at my blog:

    I really enjoy visiting your blog and the wonderful things you share!

  3. This has been on our list to do! Love that he was able to help too!! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  4. This looks fantastic! I want to try it too!

    I tried to wet felt valentines with my class the other day, but it didn't work out so well. We ended up needle felting them. I used a needle tool with a guard and it was great! I love how sensory these kinds of projects are.

    Hmmm, maybe felted soaps for Mother's Day are in my future.

    : )
