Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baking with a Toddler

It's much easier to bake with a toddler if your preschooler is not around.  So J-jo and I try to bake alone together at least every other week. 
 I love to see his effort and concentration.


  1. What a nice tradition - and a benefit of having Bear in preschool!

  2. Aw, it won't be long before I have my little son stirring the spoon!

    I wanted to ask you about setting activities up on shelves. I am attempting to do it for my daughter but its hard because of my son. What did you do when your kids were this age?

  3. Really great idea. I don't think I've cooked with just my toddler before, as my preschooler is always there! I bet my toddler would enjoy it!

  4. Cooking it's a good exercise for toddler, my daughter likes to cooking in her little kitchen and in my big kitchen :D
