Sunday, January 2, 2011


Although we took down the tree and decorations over the weekend, I left the nativity sets out so we could celebrate Epiphany on the 6th.  
 photo from Art and the Bible
I have plans to make crystal stars and bake rosca de reyes with Bear and J-jo.  
I'll be using the same recipe I used for the Santa Lucia bread, but shaping it like a crown (wreath) rather than cat eyes.  The recipe worked well and we liked the taste of it so I don't feel like adventuring into anything new, albeit a new year.

We're going to dress up as kings and carry pretend gold (chocolate coins leftover from Saint Nicholas day) frankincense and myrrh (bottle of Mommy's perfume and bottle of olive oil) as we process to our Nativity to set our presents before the King.

We will eat star shaped sandwiches and make a variation of this three king's art project after first admiring some Renaissance renditions of the magi (more on that on Artists and Art Tuesday).

We read so many stories that included the three wise men in December, that I probably will only read them their Bible version on Thursday.  One book we really liked about the magi was Tomie dePaola's The Story of the Three Wise Kings.

Do you celebrate Epiphany?  How do you celebrate it with your children?


  1. We read that book too. In Russian Orthodox church everything is 13 days later, so Christmas actually happens on Epiphany Day. Happy holidays.

  2. I love all of your plans. We don't celebrate Epiphany in our house.

    I meant to get that book and forgot.

  3. I'm thinking of making a King Cake. I like your idea of leaving the nativity sets out until the 6th.
