Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Artists and Art Week 16 - Ted Harrison

When I was thinking of artists to highlight during our artists theme, the first that came to mind was Ted Harrison.
His paintings are landscapes such as those seen in the Yukon.  His lines and colors are bold and vibrant. By using wavy lines to break up visual space, he creates perspective in a new way. The figures in his work are simplified and his color choices usually unnatural.  There are many of his images to see here and also of course on Google Images.  Bear and I looked at a lot and talked about what she noticed about the serigraphs. 

We mixed up tints of blue, pink, purple, yellow and orange and started painting our lines to make an Arctic landscape.

 Bear's whale with super goggles and a special pillow to keep his glasses from getting wet.  Not sure where all that came from but that is what she was narrating as she painted the figure in the foreground.  It looks like a fisherman to me.  Shh.  Don't tell her.  

Mommy's painting.

We read O Canada illustrated by Ted Harrison.

If you've done any art with your child this week based on an artist or illustration style, or taught some of the elements and principles of art, or studied a musician or any other type of artist, please join the Linky.  Please remember to link back.  
Comments are appreciated, especially if you link up! 

This post also linked to stART


  1. He is brilliant. We have that book as well. That is very exciting to be teaching an art class at Bears school! I wish L could take it. As much as I feel comfortable with music I have no idea where to start with art. I love your posts but would need to take your course first I think before doing anything with L!

  2. I have never heard of this artist, but both of your paintings are very pretty. Did you use oils to paint these landscapes?

  3. Ooooo, I love the bright colors, I think I will save that book for the future when we study Canada.

    My daughter always talks to herself as she is doing art.

  4. I love how the paintings came out what a fun project. The books look great too. Thank you for linking up to stART :0)

  5. "super goggles and a special pillow to keep his glasses from getting wet"- LOL! Cute!

  6. I'm not familiar with Ted Harrison. Splendid use of color in his work.

  7. Bear's painting is great! I love this artist series you're running!

  8. Bear is such a talented artist and I love her story behind the piece.

  9. Oh wow! What a fabulous post!! I love it. We are planning to do more based on art too.

    I would LOVE for you to join us at Kids Get Crafty (every Wednesday on Red Ted Art) - current link up http://www.redtedart.com/2011/01/05/kids-get-crafty-3-kings-dressing-up/

    Hope to see you there!


  10. (thank you and have the book on order now!!)

  11. these pictures are fab and I love the colours. please do visit our blog hop which we run every monday. here is this week http://monkeyingaround1.blogspot.com/2011/01/rainbow-fish.html

  12. I love that you do work together.

  13. Bear did a beautiful job - and I love how you focused on Ted Harrison's paintings during your art week. Thanks for sharing your link at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page!
