Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Five: Favorite Language Arts Materials

My "couldn't-live-without-it" items for teaching language arts to my 4 year old. We use the following on a daily basis.

1. All About Spelling 
Very Montessori friendly, yet scripted and "easier" on the parent, All About Spelling using magnetic letter tiles that remind me of the moveable alphabet.  For a kid like J-jo who still doesn't write, but can read, this makes learning spelling fun and hands-on.  Bear was never interested in the tiles and moved very quickly to just writing all the words.

2. Geometric cabinet or metal insets
J-jo, unlike Bear, isn't strong in his writing skills.  He still loves tracing the shapes of the geometric cabinet, which strengthens his fine motor skills.

3. PAL Writing
This is my favorite writing program for K-2.  It is divided into three parts.  The first part teaches how to form the letters (and numbers).  The second part focuses on copying simple sentences.  The third part teaches how to do key-word outlines and add structure and style components to your writing.  I bought this for Bear last year for the third part and ended up using part 1 with J-jo.

4. Grammar Farm
PLaying with plastic animals is tons of fun.  It doesn't take much effort to explain nouns, adjectives, verbs, and such while playing.  Now that J-o is reading a bit, we can

5. Bob Books
Although I never used these for Bear, they have been indispensable for J-jo.  I am glad we bought them from Costco last year.

Plus 3 extra of my favorites for Preschoolers
1. sandpaper letters and
2. sand tray

3. alphabet boxes/drawers

and 3 extra of my favorites for elementary aged children
(look for a bonus post about them Monday)
1. IEW Teaching Writing Style and Structure
2. MCT Language Arts
3. Writing With Ease

Go check out other Friday Fives


  1. Awesome picks! I think this will be a fun link up right? By the way I heard you are having some babies! Congratulations!!!!! If you lived closer I would send you a meal and try to help out! Sounds like it has been quite an adventure! I cant wait to see pictures!

  2. Great list Julie! Thanks for telling me about PAL Writing. I've been looking for something for Asher. His handwriting is developing slowly but surely. This might help him. It's fun to see the things that are same and different on our lists. I don't think I've told you, but congratulations on your twins! I also had a hard pregnancy with Lila (but probably still not as hard as yours) and I was also grateful that my kids had a Montessori background. They could function so well on their own and the house was set up to help them do so. Your kids are wonderful! They will grow and learn so much from this pregnancy. God bless!

    p.s. Thanks for linking up. :)

  3. Where's my handy dandy link to PAL writing? It sounds cool.

  4. Sorry Ticia - links are proving to be too time consuming for this bed rest Mama, but I added it to the post for you:) And here it is again:

  5. I like your varied approach to spelling and how it includes motor skills and tactile experiences.

    I use many of the sound techniques I learned as a Reading Recovery Teacher. I also like Words Their Way and Alphaphonics.


  6. A lot of great ideas here. Anna is still a very reluctant writer unless it's part of something that she wants to do on her own, for example, writing the rules of the game. I am hoping that her fine motor skills and writing endurance will develop more this school year.
