Monday, July 15, 2013

Planning Our Homeschool Year - Figuring Out How to Fit it All In

I took some screen shots of my word document for you today so you could see how I have tried to fit all our curriculum into the week without going into the late afternoon

First, I figured out what we will do together, what Bear (N) has to do, and what J-jo needs to do using a table.  I color coded the days of the week for subjects so I would put too many subjects on one day.  You can see the subjects in the second row that I had trouble fitting in, but I finally figured out where to put them.  

Next I slotted everything into a timetable, fitting in things we did together at meal times or first thing in the morning.  (Contributions are chores - I got the word from Carissa at 1+1+1=1 in a recent post.)  This year I have decided I do not want us schooling in pajamas, so I have put getting ready for the day in there.  The times are loose and not rigid.  It's to give me an idea of how long things should take.  I had to make an executive decision about History and Science for Bear and decided that since her reading comprehension is good enough, she will have to be responsible for those subjects herself for the most part.  I decided to put her math last in the day because she likes to dawdle over it.  By putting it last, she is cutting into her own play time instead of into the rest of the school day.  She is not going to like this change, but I got tired of losing half the day to her indifference over math.

Our day Friday goes a bit longer, but since it is all "fun" stuff, I figured it would be okay.  I really wanted two days of art projects but just don't see how to make that happen.  Hopefully we can find time on weekends for extra art.


  1. Wow, this is a very busy schedule, but it looks like you managed to fit everything in. I wonder how it will be when the new babies enter the picture, and I hope you will continue to fit everything into your schedule.

  2. Keep in mind we don't do literature, history and geography all on the same day. The way it's written on the second chart does make it look like we are doing too much, but if you remember the first color coded chart, then it isn't as busy:) I am queen of trying to fit in too much and being discouraged that we can't get it all done. The twins will surely throw this schedule off, but I'll face that when the time comes:) We may give up something:)

  3. I love reading about how other's schedule their days. Thank you so much for sharing!
