Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Planning Our Homeschool Year - A Closer Look at my Weekly Plans

Yesterday, I showed you how I figured out how to fit every subject into the week.  Today, I am going to show you how I have been planning out each subject.

First, some subjects are super easy.  Apologia already had a schedule in the Junior Notebook.  I just spread it out into the number of days I had available.  The Beautiful Feet Geography has 1 lesson per week, as did Prima Latina.  For MCT Grammar Island, I found a schedule done by Satori Smiles. These subjects I could just write into the weekly plans quickly.

I really like the Homeschool Creations Planner I have been using for the past two years; however, this year, I wanted to plan slightly differently, so I couldn't use it.  Last year, I printed it out and wrote in it by hand.  This year I want to add pictures and hyperlinks and I want to dictate how much space I have per subject.  Consequently, I made my own planner in a Word document.

Here's a photo of the blank version.  As I type into a subject, the space gets bigger.

I am not done planning out everything.  I still have to write in the lesson numbers for WWE, IEW, AAS, and math, and plan out my music appreciation lessons, but you can still get an idea of what I am doing from the following photos.

My main problem is that I love Pinterest, but it is so unorganized! I will pin things and then never go back to look at them again.  I need to put my pins right away into a weekly plan.

Below, I have added photos and links to some Kandinsky projects.  I haven't narrowed it down - this is week 36, so I have plenty of time.  I may ask the kids to pick one.

Here are some plans for BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding).  I am adding photos of the books I'd like to sign out of the library.

Sometimes, I end up using Thursday's block for BFSU.  You can also see Apologia planned out in the photo below.  Technically, Apologia shouldn't carry over to Friday, but there's a year long project to build an Ocean Box full of swimming creature models and since that is artistic, I've put it on Fridays.  Some BFSU days, there are way more activities than we can possibly do, but it gives me some options:)

For History (Story of the World), I just put the chapter numbers in the weekly plan, as I have a more detailed plan I will print out.  Below I share a snapshot of the first chapter.  I listed all the books available at the library, and hyperlinked any books available free online.  All this information is in the Story of the World Activity Guide.

I list all the library books available from the SOTW list.  We won't read them all.  I'll put them all on hold and put them in a book basket for Bear to read in her free time (I guarantee most of them will not interest J-jo) or for her to request one for read aloud.  For the activities, I have listed the ones I will consider, but my only must is the map work, anything else we find time for is great, but not necessary.

It's been a bit of a time-consuming effort that I hope will pay off once we officially start the new school year. 


  1. That's a great way to organize. I do something similar in excel. I like excel simply for the fact that if I fall behind (and I have that luxury since L is still in preschool,) I can insert some cells to shift the plans down the row to the correct day.

  2. My husband tried to convince me to use Excel for that very reason - that if I fell behind in my plans, I could shift things easily, but I just didn't like what it looked like:) I am just too used to Word tables:)

  3. This is really nice! I also use excel :) But I like notebooks / planners the best as it is tangible and something I can look at without putting on the computer/laptop. The only advantage of making it in MSOffice is that you can link and pictures.

  4. I think my goal for next year's planning is going to have to be to learn to use Excel:)
