Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Classical Conversations - Our Homeschool Year in Review

Kristen, of Teaching Stars, is spending the week reviewing their homeschool curriculum and I thought I would join in to share what we have loved and what has not worked for us.  I already posted about All About Reading yesterday, before I knew of Kristen's plan.  Today I am going to review Classical Conversations and what I love and don't love about it.

Classical Conversations.  We have spent two years in a community.  I have tutored the first half of the year during both years.  We are not going back to the community this year.  Why?  I answered that question quickly in this post, but Kristen asked for more specifics and so here they are.

First, what I love:

I love the idea of memory work...but...I don't love all of the memory work chosen by CC.

I love the people in our community (and I needed that community two years ago because we had no one to turn to for homeschooling support) ...but...I don't love paying all that money just for community.

I love the fine arts component...but... I don't love repeating the same few artists and composers every three years when there is such a wealth of them to get to know.

I love the presentations the children have to give every week in front of their peers.

I love the timeline song and the cards to go with it.

I love the math skip counting songs.

What I do not love:

The history memory work.  The sentences, especially in Cycle 1, are not chronological and while I understand that they are grouped geographically, I much prefer a chronological history. Also, some of the sentences just weren't well worded, especially for Cycle 1.  This year my friend and I have taken the timeline cards and made a three sentence synopsis for each that we hope to have our children memorize instead.  Unfortunately, we can't share it since the timeline is copyrighted by CC and most of our synopses are straight from the back of the card.

That the memory work, especially history, goes so fast.  A week on Ancient Egypt?  Really?

That the memory work is out of context.  I don't fully buy into the whole memorize out of context philosophy.  My kids prefer a bit of background info.  But see my previous point on how fast we are forced to go through the memory work and how it doesn't leave time to delve into a subject the way my kids would like.

Tin whistle.  Cacophony.  Headaches.  I much prefer piano lessons, though I did appreciate the music theory we learned.  Again, though, I wish it weren't the same thing repeated every year so that the older children could learn a bit more theory than is actually presented.  It's a good base, though, for the non-musically inclined.

The science "experiments" (except for a few - like the owl pellet).  I felt that most of these were not the greatest experiments.  Actually, they are mostly demonstrations and not experiments.  There was not much opportunity to expand and teach further concepts and they jumped around topic-wise.

Losing a day each week.  My days are precious and my time with my children is precious.  I want to give them a much broader science and fine arts experience than CC Foundations can provide.  I need that fifth day lost to CC to ensure that we can fit the arts and science into our schedule.  Also, we would prefer to lose days to do field trips with a second homeschool group, or to do more extracurricular activities than be tied to CC.

The expense.  I have two kids who would be in the Foundations level this year.  The price tag comes to about $1000.  This sounds silly, but I'd rather go to the beach for a week with the money I save by doing CC at home.  We build better family memories at the beach with Daddy than we do at CC and ultimately, I want my children to treasure their childhoods and their special time on vacation with us.

This does not mean that I wouldn't consider Essentials or Challenge further down the road, but for now, we are done with Foundations, though you may still see occasional CC posts on the blog since we will be doing it, albeit in a modified way, at home.

So what would I keep from CC?
Memory work (a mix of their choices and my own additions)
The CC memory CDs to play in the car
Memory Master Flashcards (even if we change up some of the memory work, I like to have these in my purse)
The timeline song
The idea of fine arts enrichment but then doing it my way
Presentations done in front of peers (a group of moms and I have a little group going that meets once a month and we do presentations about different countries during that time)

I truly hope this post is helpful to families considering CC.  We enjoyed our two years in it.  We had a hard time deciding not to return this coming year and spent a lot of time in prayer to come to that decision.  I don't dislike the program, but it isn't for every family.  Mostly CC families only rave about the program. Not many people talk about what they don't prefer about it.   I don't think that is fair to prospective families.  My prayer with this post is that it gives another perspective.


  1. Please tell me that youre going to keep this up! Its so good and so important. I cant wait to read more from you. I just feel like you know so much and know how to make people listen to what you have to say. This blog is just too cool to be missed. Great stuff, really. Please, PLEASE keep it up!

  2. I think it's really great of you to tell it like it is (for you). I've stopped reading most blog reviews because I rarely see anyone do anything but sing the product's (or program's) praises. I had a VERY hard time last year making a decision about CC, but the price factor was the main reason we ultimately decided not to join our local group. I've since wondered if we made a grave error (quite often, actually). Your post has assured me that CC would most likely not work for our family. Thanks!

  3. I am so thankful for this post, as it is very real, and you make some great points about what you prefer for you family. :) Thank you for sharing! I did want to mention a few things. As for the science, the main goal each week is to teach the Scientific Method. It is not to be all about what the kids experiment with, or the demonstrations they see, but it is for them to learn the Scientific Method within each weeks projects so they can grow up to be scientists and experiment and demonstrate with ANYTHING! :) With Tin Whistle, the same goes for that. The Music Theory is the main thing the children are to take with them. Then, for those of us parents that are more musically inclined, we can take the backbone of what they were taught and flesh it out at home. For those not so musically inclined, they are getting great music theory and will have great success if starting to play the piano or any other music. It is like an opportunity for the parents to recognize each child's gifts and to run with it or settle on the information for now. As far as the memory work going to fast? Well, that is one thing I love about CC. YOU are the parent, so you can study it as long as you want! There are breaks in between each semester that you can delve into a subject more deeply, there is 4-6 weeks over the holiday time that you could read books or watch movies about that area...you could study about missionaries or bible characters that lived there and ministered there. Due to CC only being 24 weeks out of the whole year, you have 28 additional weeks to squeeze in anything that you want. :)

    Thank you again, so much for sharing your opinions! It is great to hear how things are working (or not working) in other families. I hope my offering some insight on some of the areas was not offensive and that you would see my heart as just being helpful. :) Thanks for listening to both sides. I have loved and appreciated your blog! Keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you for sharing specifics on what CC components work and don't work for your family. I've been on the fence about joining a local CC community (or another similar to it). This post was extremely helpful!

  5. This is a very balanced review that is indeed rare in the blogging world. Good luck with your curriculum choices for the next year!

  6. Point by point, I agree with what you have said. We are not returning to CC this year. I have signed the kids up for Co-op which is more like $100 a semester! And they get to focus on classes that interest them. I hope you'll keep sharing your great ideas though!

  7. So many of your concerns have been rattling around in my head too!! I also have two girls I would be enrolling and I can't help but think of all the cool things we could do around our new home for the price. Chickens and goats for the girls, maybe. That would be quite a learning experience!
    I am so glad you posted this and I will be sharing it with some friends of mine who are on the fence. It's true how online you tend to just read positive reviews ... it's nice to hear the other side of things.
    p.s. Don't forget to link up your posts on my link up :) http://www.teachingstars.com/2013/06/17/my-homeschool-year-in-review/

  8. We're actually looking into incorporating bits and pieces into our school year next year, mainly the songs and such.......

  9. Ahhhh...summer! That time when homeschools start to really look at what worked and what didn't! I love that you have really taken the time to do that! I am still looking at our year, but I think that we are going to be looking at some big changes here too! I hope that you keep documenting your awesome homeschool journey! happy Schooling! :)

  10. Thanks for sharing. I agree with a lot of your points. For our family, we will continue with CC. I LOVE having all of the "other subjects" like science, latin, fine arts and oral presentations covered in one morning. It allows me to just focus on math and language arts and then we read history books for fun on the other 4 days of the week. The $ is high, so now I'm a tutor and it covers the cost for 2 kids and my supplies.

  11. I completely agree with all your points. It's nice to know I am not the only one thinking those exact things. We are not doing Foundations this year as well (last year was our first year). I think their vision and talking points sound neat in theory but for us it was so abstract in content that unless you review all that they memorize every year until they get to those subjects, not much will be retained. I have always homeschooled classically but to me this is a program that needs to be better developed. Now the Essentials program, I highly recommend it!

  12. Thanks, this was a balanced review. We just heard about CC and were looking into it for our 2 kids. The expense is a major consideration--like your example, I have to think about using the money for things such as family experiences versus the set community.

  13. Thank you so, SO much for writing this "review". A brand new program is starting up in our area and we are pressed to make the decision about whether or not to enter this year. Your views, having been in the program and seeing both what worked well and didn't work so well for your family, are a huge help!!

  14. Thank you so, SO much for writing this "review". There is a new program starting up in this area and we are pressed to make a quick decision as to whether or not we should commit. Your views, being one who has experienced the program, are extremely helpful. Thank you!

  15. I think your review is fair. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as someone who has four children who will eventually all be educated at home. I feel like CC has helped to streamline our schooling and saved my present and future sanity in keeping up with ally schooling and household responsibilities, while also being able to document and measure effeciently what my children have learned over the course of the year. If you are someone who is not very organized (me!) and doesn't have great follow through or discipline to stay on track with all subjects (also, me!) then a program like this is well worth every penny for the peace of mind that someone like me can possess at the end of the year. Honestly, if I am not committed to being somewhere at a certain time each week and having things ready like you have to do with CC, then it mostly likely won't get done. I have big dreams of letting our interests direct our education, but am not disciplined enough to make it happen. I admire your commitment to education and blogging and presenting a fair and balanced assessment of the program! I agree that it's not for everyone. (And I wish my school room was as neat and organized as yours is!)

  16. @gina -Thank you for the wonderful compliments. I do believe the CC program is excellent and that it is a good fit for many families. I also wanted families to have an unbiased view. People in the program generally love it so they are biased toward it, even if it may not be a good fit for the family asking about it.

    And please know that my school room NEVER looks as good as the day I clean it for the photo shoots for the blog! As I lay on the couch in our updated schoolroom, if I were to take pictures of it as it is right now, you would feel very comforted! Maybe one day I will be brave and show the world how "real" my home can look! Right now though, I like being able to come to the blog when I am discouraged and seeing just how clean and organized it can actually be! lol.
