Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Not" Back to School Blog Hop - Curriculum 2012-2013

Here are our curriculum choices.

Bible -
daily Bible reading as planned out by SL Core B
Our 24 Family Ways (Clarkson) for family devotions
AWANA and CC Bible memory verses.

Math -
Singapore Math as our spine with Rightstart and Miquon on Fridays to change things up.

Reading and History -
Sonlight Core B.  We will continue to read Story of the World 1 until we finish it and I may buy SOTW 2 for  bedtime or for next summer's reading.  Bear will read most of the read alouds as readers or we will take turns with chapters.

Language Arts -
her favorite subject - no pulling teeth for this one, she often writes and reads all day as "play."

All About Spelling (we are loving the Writing Station portion that starts in level 3 and AAS is definitely her favorite thing after reading)
First Language Lessons
Writing with Ease
her own writing (like reading, this is something she just does that I don't worry about, but do read with her and use for teaching grammar, mechanics, and word choice).
PAL writing

Science -
Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU)
R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Life, and Space and Earth. (RSO) to match up with CC
Sonlight Science B
This looks like a lot of Science.  I read BFSU and decide on a few "conversations/discussions" I want us to have, or living books I want us to read.  RSO is what we will do Wednesdays for a Science and Art class I am offering from my home to families in our CC community.  Sonlight Science B is for us to do daily because I feel we don't put enough emphasis on Science at home.  SL Science B is mostly astronomy and the human body.  We memorized the human body memory work last year with CC but didn't do any activities to go with that so I am excited about this science.

Art -
Hodgepodge's chalk pastel tutorials,
Meet the Masters
more drawing "tutorials" from me.

Music -
piano lessons (me as teacher)
Story of the Orchestra for Music Appreciation at quiet time.


Bible -
Family-Time Bible in Pictures with go along activities from the SL P4/5 Core

SL P4/5 memory verses and AWANA and CC Bible memory.

Reading -
All About Reading level 1 , All About Spelling level 1,  The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading and Montessori type lesson.
Finishing up My Father's World Kindergarten (if we ever do).
Morning Message

Math -
cuisenaire rods

Montessori style lessons as per the Gettman book.

ChildUp cards and app (I reviewed the counting cards here and my, does J-jo look little.)
MEP Reception Year, which is a nice, snuggle-up-on-the-couch-and-do-math kind of curriculum that involves lots of discussion.  It's great for language development.
My big goal is for him to know his numbers up to one hundred by the end of the year (counting and number recognition) and be able to do some adding of one digit numbers.

Science -
SL Science B with his sister.

Read alouds -
every day at breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, nap and bedtime. (He loves books.)  We're working our way through Sonlight Core P4/5 books but not following the schedule so much and we are reading anything he brings me.  He likes to choose his own books at the library and has a strong opinion of which books he will permit me to read to him.

Art -
see Bear's list

Music Appreciation -
listen to various CDs at lunch and quiet time

Since J-jo is still mostly interested in playing with his little people and cars, we do his schooling mostly at breakfast and lunch - he can't go anywhere while he is eating!

And of course, we'll be trying to fit in our Classical Conversations plans, the CC memory work, and the CC Cycle 1 Lapbook.


  1. Wow! That looks like a great plan!

  2. Looks like a fun-filled year for you guys!

  3. Looks great! Love how you are schooling J-jo! :) Have a great year, Julie!

  4. It looks like a great curriculum.

  5. Great plan! I'd never heard of MEP before. I'll have to look at it closer. I was only planning on using TOPGTTR and using AAS and AAR Level 1 next year. Do you think if we get 1/2 way though TOPGTTR , she'll be past using Level 1 in those and I should use them now?

  6. It's pretty intense, but I am sure they will both enjoy it. Good luck!

  7. I'm excited to see that they added the Clarkson book to core b. I'll definitely be upgrading that core when the time comes.

  8. Awesome plans for both bear and jo-jo. We are adding a few like AAS, Singapore and SOTW to our regular montessori schedule. Should be a great year for you!

  9. Looks great!!! They will really like it.

