Friday, August 3, 2012

Classical Conversations Memory Box

Many of you may be familiar with the Charlotte Mason scripture memory box.  It's basically an index card box with dividers marked daily, odd, even, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then one divider for each day of the week.  Someone from my CC group shared how to make a memory box for the CC memory work and I thought I would share it here.

I am using the CC cycle 1 flashcards to put in our memory box.  I love these cards and they are worth every penny to me.
Behind the dividers:

Daily...this week's new memory work
Odd/Even...the past 2 weeks' memory work
Monday...Latin (accumulates over the course of the year)
Tuesday...Math (accumulates)
Wednesday...History /Timeline (accumulates)
Thursday...Science (accumulates)
Friday...English Grammar (accumulates)
Bible is in our scripture box and Geography is done as map work another time during the day.
Days 1-24 are for memory work from any previously mastered cycles (if you've mastered one cycle then
for example: Day 1 is week 1 for Cycle 3 etc. or if you've mastered 2 cycles then: Day 1 is week 1&2 for
Cycle 3 etc and then Day 13 is week 1&2 for Cycle 2  etc. IF you are working on Cycle 1).  I am keeping the days 1-24 in a separated box as I opted to go for a smaller box size that would fit on my Ikea spice rack shelves in the kitchen.

The top box is J-jo's Sonlight Memory verses that I've typed out and added images to.
Everything is ready to go for breakfast review.

How does the box look like in action?

Let's say you are on week 10
Daily...all subjects for week 10
Odd...all subjects for week 9
Even...all subjects for week 8
Monday...Latin (week 1-7)
Tuesday...Math (week 1-7)
Wednesday...History /Timeline (week 1-7)
Thursday...Science (week 1-7)
Friday...English Grammar (week 1-7)
Bible is in our scripture box (daily slot until we've got it) and Geography is done as map work another time
during the day.  We'd do week 10 everyday (tracing/drawing/pointing/coloring) and
review the other weeks (tracing/drawing/pointing/coloring as necessary).

I wrote the days (doubling them up) before I realized there was no way to fit two packs of flashcards in one box :)

I bought the dividers for my box for Cycle 1 (and flipped them upside down so I could write on them), but decided it would be too pricey for every box, so I am planning on using the fancy dividers for the current cycle and index cards for the review cycles.
 However, in looking up the Charlotte Mason link for this post, I stumbled upon a printable for the dividers from Amanda at The Pelsers.

Even though a month has 30 to 31 days, we won't be reviewing CC on the weekends, so it should work out to have only 24 days in the box. 


  1. LOVE IT! I had thought about setting up a box like this as well, when L is officially in CC. The scripture memory box that we are using now is working wonderfully. Also, the spice racks are a great idea!!!

  2. Thank you for posting this!!! I just set up my box for our first year with CC. Breaking it down into days certainly makes it seem more manageable and less overwhelming! :)

  3. Hi, this is Jo Hendricks over at My email is JO @ We are a CC family and we have a ministry of putting scripture to songs. This year we included the Exodus 20:1-17 verses on our new album to match with Cycle 1 for CC. Contact me if you would like a copy of our CD to giveaway to your readers! Love, JO

  4. This is great! Thank you for sharing! (Would you like to submit it to this month's carnival? I know many people would benefit from the idea! wink-wink!)

  5. Thanks for sharing! Great Ideas!

  6. I've been using the Charlotte Mason memory verse system for a couple of years but never thought of using it for our other memory work. What have I been thinking? That is going right to the top of the list for next year. Excellent idea!

  7. LOVE this idea! This is my 9th year as a CC tutor and I can vouch for the value of remembering every cycle into Challenge. I have been looking for a quick and easy way to incorporate a quick review into our day so that my Challenge kiddos don't lose all of the hard work they've put into Memory Master!

  8. I've been on a quest to find a flashcard sort of app that would be compatible with the CM/CC system of reviewing. Anyone have any good ones? Preferably looking for an app to use on Kindle Fire but I do have iPhone too.
