Friday, October 7, 2011

A Heart Pincushion - 4 year old sewing project

 Bear's wonderful Keepers of the Home teacher sent home a little project, already cut out, for the girls to sew.
 I added the little dots with a pen so that Bear could independently complete the project.  The dots allowed her to know exactly where to put in the needle to keep her stitches equally distanced from each other and from the edge.
She stuffed it with cotton balls and I held the edges closed for her as she sewed the last of the edges.
 She's planning to make some for her loved ones as Christmas presents.


  1. Very beautiful project! With all the sewing projects I have done with kids of all ages through the years, I have never thought of putting dots where the stitches should be placed. It seems so obviously simple now that you say it, but I had never thought of it. I won't forget it now. My boys might like this project as well. Thanks for posting about it.

  2. the dots are a brilliant idea!

  3. I really liked your idea to add dots for stitch placement - Bear is getting to be quite a competent seamstress!

  4. The dots are a brilliant idea. I am saving this project for a rainy day. My son loves to sew and although may not be able to sew as neatly I think it will still come together nicely. Bear did a wonderful job!
