Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Snowmen Ornaments

 I saw these at Our Homeschool Fun last year and fell in love with them.  I love commemorating my little ones' hand prints and this is a really neat way to do so.  Susana did this project again this year and when I saw baubles on sale, I had Bear help me make some.  J-jo (top photo is his hand) only let us do one bauble with his hand, but Bear did two other ones so we could give them to grandparents.  Bear helped me make eyes, mouths, buttons, and scarves.  She was so steady with that paintbrush.


  1. Your ornaments turned out wonderfully Julie!! I love them, and I know the grandparents will too. Yes, from what I can see Bear had a super steady hand--better than mine:-).

    I hope you are being blessed with good health in your home as you read this.

  2. We have been making them for a couple of years now, too. They are so easy and fun.

  3. Bear is quite an artist. I was thinking of making them, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen this year. I promise to start earlier next year :)

  4. These are so cute. Thank you for the idea...we may be making these tonight. :)

  5. Super cute! I'm putting them on the list for next year!
    Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
