Friday, December 17, 2010

Preschool Wrap up

 We mostly did arts and crafts this week and battled ear infections and colds. 

Glue Men
 They look cute on the children's tree.
 Adding glitter to ceramic snowflakes (found at Hobby Lobby) to give to her ballet teachers.  They look better in person.
Decorating the circle tree we made last year.  She's still working on this one.
 Our Monet inspired painting of the Christmas tree.

We've read a lot of Christmas books, including:

Bear has been reading the following books on her own:

Math has been more or less just counting down to Christmas with a bit of addition practice (at school).  She's also been working on short bead chains at school and is up to the 4 chain (there are 4 sets of 4 beads linked together and she counts them in 4's adding a little arrow with the correct number at each 4th bead - it's to learn 4 squared.)

I've been busy planning units on Frogs and Polar Bears/the Arctic (totally unrelated, I know) to take us through to the end of January.

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  1. love the arts n crafts! Those glue men are cool!!! The Monet Christmas tree has turned out fab!!

  2. How fun! I am doing Arctic unit in January too - it will be fun to compare notes :) I hope colds and ear infections will be gone by Christmas.

  3. Neat glue men :) and the glitter snowflakes look pretty too!

  4. Love the glue snowmen. I have never seen them before! Very cute!! Kerri

  5. Hope everyone is feeling better soon! Love the glue snowman.

  6. Love the glue snowman!

    Hanna did an awesome job on her circle tree last year and we put it out this year too.

    As I said in the previous post comment, I hope your bout of sickness is over.

  7. I remember your glue snowmen, Julie--we are making those this year! Thanks for the reminder. They are SO cool!
