Friday, December 3, 2010

Holiday Cards

I always run out of time to send Holiday cards, but this year, Shutterfly offered 50 free photocards.  I couldn't pass it up because I especially love photocards.  I still have the Holiday photocards I received from my third grade students sitting at the bottom of a box of old Christmas cards and when I found them yesterday, I spent a good few minutes reminiscing about my teaching days. 

I used Shutterfly to send out birth announcements when Bear was born.  There were quite a selection to choose from and we were happy with how our choice turned out.

There are so many Christmas cards and Holiday cards to select from.  Here are just three samples.

I like the simplicity of the snowflake border and font of this one.
I like the layout of this one and the possibility of using more than one photo.
And I like the preppy colors of this one.

Before my grandmother passed away, I usually sent her photo calendars for Christmas.  She really loved them.  Since we lived so far from her it was a way to keep a little piece of us next to her.  Shutterfly's photo calendars can be found here.
 I think my mom would really like one of these new desk calendars to put in her home office. 

Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:

1 comment:

  1. I like the preppy colors one the best, but they're all cute. I LOVE that desk calendar!
