Saturday, November 20, 2010


The coming of Advent has me searching for simple traditions to begin in our family now that Bear is a bit older. (Trying to do a craft each day last year burned me out).  I want the Advent season to have meaning to our family and draw us closer to each other and to God. Most importantly I want Bear and J-jo growing up to think that Christmas is about doing for and giving to others more than it is about receiving gifts for themselves.

Today we celebrated Martinmas (I know we're a good nine days late, but Bear was none the wiser) and all four of us really enjoyed the beauty of the candles and lanterns and the sweet little stories about the last Autumn spark and the good deed of Saint Martin.  It made me want more of these types of celebrations.

As I research other Waldorf celebrations and look for ideas to tide Bear (who asks on an hourly basis if Christmas is tomorrow) over to Christmas Day, I wonder: what are your holiday traditions?


  1. We do an advent activity calendar. There is something for us to do every day, but not too many are really labor intensive for mommy. Activities include watching Christmas movies like Rudolph, reading Christmas stories, "writing a letter to Santa, baking cookies, going ice skating, etc. It's a tradition I remember fondly from my childhood and I'm happy to be able to share it with my daughter.

  2. you mean there are Advent activities I've already missed?

    NOOOO! Okay, so I was planning on organizing all of my ideas and stuff on Monday, this is not what I wanted to hear.

  3. Those are pretty candle holders. I may suggest it to our sunday school so we can make them as gifts. Do you know where I can find directions to link to?

  4. @joyful learner - no link, although you can link to here as your idea inspiration :) - I do this craft nearly every year either at home or teaching. I think I even did this often as a kid. Modge podge layer on glass container. Add squares of tissue paper (mine are recycled from received gifts) and add another layer of Modge Podge to finish. Normal white glue works too.

  5. @Musical Mama - we did an Advent activity calendar last year and a Jesse tree. I think this year I will have a jar of activities she can choose from during the week when we both feel like it as opposed to having to feel like it has to be every day.

  6. I was pretty burned out last year too trying to do too much every day. This year I want to do more self-directed activities, but of course we will be reading many books. Christmas to us is mostly a chance to spend time as a family, enjoy candle light and fire in the fireplace and enjoy the wonder of Christmas time.

  7. Our tradition starts with picking out our tree, and going through each ornament with a story - where it came from, the special occasion, and so on. We hang up lights - watch xmas movies, drink lots of hot cocoa, drive around town looking at xmas lights.. and of course, make crafts and gifts for extended family. Nothing too tiring - just finding fun in each day - what ever that may be...
