Monday, November 22, 2010

Artists and Art Week 11 - Textured Leaves

I love autumn's colorful leaves against a bright blue sky.  What a wonderful example of contrast in the natural world.  All those bright leaves crunching and crinkling underfoot add a great sensory experience too.
A smooth, freshly fallen leaf feels much different than a dried, not-so-freshly-fallen leaf.
And so began our art lesson on texture.

The inspiration for this project was once again Art projects for Kids.  She has such fantastic art projects.

Bear tried to cut her own paper towel leaves, but alas it was a bit too challenging for her so I ended up doing it.  The rest of the project she completed on her own.
 First she glued the paper towel leaves on the watercolor paper.
 After they had dried (kind of - we weren't that patient in waiting. lol) she traced around them in oil pastel (normal crayon would work too).  Just make sure you press hard.
 Then she painted the sky with liquid watercolor (I think the hard watercolors would work too).
 She had to be very careful not to get the paint inside the leaves and she was so patient and attentive for this part.
 Next she painted the inside of the leaves to match the outlines.
 It didn't really matter about the few places where the blue had entered the leaf since real Fall leaves are blotched and mottled.
You can see the texture that the paper towel added.  You can feel it too on the original.

 If you've done any art with your child this week based on an artist or illustration style, or taught some of the elements and principles of art, or studied a musician or any other type of artist, please join the Linky.  Please remember to link back or grab the button on the side bar.


  1. Sorry about the linky not being opened yet... I got my dates confused, but I'm going to leave it like this because I don't have time right now to fix it:)

  2. hi! i know this is not related to your post, but i am really liking your "Great Alphabet Sort". just wanted to ask what toy did you used for this one? i'm hoping to find a similar one. thank you!

  3. oo these turned out lovely!! Love the texture the paper towel added!

  4. This is such a beautiful project! Bear did so well with not covering leaves with background color.

  5. @ alvin - the game was given to us by my sister who bought it in Canada. I found it here online while searching for a link for you. It is called Eduludo Colours by Djeco as you can see from the link.
    It is very hard to find, The only other site I have ever found it on is being redone right now so the link doesn't work. I LOVE this game though we have never officially used it as per the rules. I am SO glad my sister found it and thought it would be a great gift for Bear's second birthday! We use miniatures too for the alphabet sort, but there was something about the bright and whimsical game pieces that really drew Bear into the work. Now we use the pieces for storytelling a lot. The other great thing about hte pieces is that now with J-jo still in the mouthing stage, I can still play with beginning word sounds with him and the pieces and not worry that he will choke on them as they are a good toddler size. I hope you are able to find it!
