Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tot School

I hid the letters of her name in rainbow rice and she spelled her name after finding all the letters.  She can order all but the last two without help.
A hand-me-down alphabet puzzle.
Playing store.

Cutting with fancy scissors (a lot more challenging than with regular scissors, but she loves these and persevered much longer than I thought she would.)
Crayon rubbings of the sides of the shape sorter.  She also shape sorted a bit.
She loves this fraction puzzle.  We do it as a number puzzle and she ignores the denominator.  I am hoping she is subconsciously absorbing all this fraction stuff though!  I hated fractions as a kid.
A new game of dominoes.  We got her to play half of a game, but then she just wanted to "play."

Hiding other letters in the rice and spelling.
Shapes with popsicle sticks.
Gingerbread men Five senses book.
Number soup.  Got this idea from One Hook Wonder.  She had to add the number I called out.  We also dumped all the numbers and alphabet cards in there and would take a spoonful and have to say each card that ended up in the spoon.

Observations from the week:  Bear was counting one to ten but now insists on saying one-six-seven-ten.  Is that normal?  I'm thinking it is her stubborn nature refusing to perform and her desire to just be a funny girl and say what she wants.  Who knows for sure, though.
She can count to three and understands the one to one correlation with three objects.  She recognizes that four dots on the die is 4.  She can tell me the name of all of the numbers 0 to 10 (when she wants to) so
I think all of our playing of number games has been successful. 

To see what others are doing in tot school, see 1+1+1=1.


  1. Great week!!!! I really like the fraction puzzle. I think it is pretty normal with the counting...Ryleigh says 1,2,4,6,7,8,9....I have no idea where 3 and 5 went...since she had them down before :)

  2. Anna did funny counting for the longest time. I just calmly repeated it correctly, and eventually she got it. I think Bear does awesome for her age. Love your setup for playing store - it looks like you are packing already :) And I am definitely getting dominoes some time soon for us as well.

  3. I LOVE the idea of hiding the letters in the rice idea! D wants to know how to spell EVERYTHING. This would be a fun way to practice some simple words and his last name (which is really long.)

  4. Your number game with sorting/counting pompoms was THE hit of the week. I can't thank you enough for it. It was one of those things that just clicked with Maddie.

    I think sometimes I give Maddie too many numbers, so we've stepped back and focused on zero through three this week. Next week, I have activities up to five included (and we'll keeping your pompom game out, too).

    Oh, and I love having the letters of her name hidden in the rice!!! I am TOTALLY doing this, since Maddie is super interested in her name. Awesome idea!

  5. Sophie ignored 3 for the longest time even though if you counted with her she would count 3. Just in the past week she has started putting 3 back in. She can count to 10, but she is a bit younger than your little one, so I am not sure how much it really counting and how much is just memorization if that makes sense? Like you with the fractions, I hope she is absorbing some of it!
    I really like your Popsicle stick shapes and counting tray. Is it just a Styrofoam rectangle with dowel rods put in at different heights?

  6. I think the counting thing is normal. Emma still does it every once in a while, just for fun.

    Sounds like a great week of tot school, I really like the number soup and crayon rubbing ideas!

  7. What a great week! I love the alphabet puzzle! I think the counting thing is normal. My son says 1 2 1 everytime we count. But he knows what a 3 looks like and will tell me its a 3 but then count 1 2 1. I think he is just trying to be funny.

  8. Fun week! I really like having her find the letters of her name in the rice! GREAT idea! I really want to work with Kayley on the letters of her name and I think this is a great way to start!

  9. I have no idea why it's taken my so long to find your fantastic blog!!! You do soo much with your little girl. When L was having trouble with all of the 1-10 numbers I made up a simple song for them. I found if we sang them in three's (3/4 time if you're musical)up the scale 123,456,78910 that is the way that we co-ount to ten. It worked for us anyway. I find songs are the easieast way to learn things. We also do one for the days of the week.
