Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mega Verses Review and Giveaway

I am always searching for scripture in songs since Bear and J-jo memorize so readily when something is put to a tune.  Mega Verses is just that.  Tommy and Jo Hendricks of Mega Verse Ministries strive to help families memorize scripture and do so with the help of all their children!  The Hendricks are in their fourth year of Classical Conversations and have even put Exodus 20:1-17 (the lengthy Cycle 1 Bible memory work) to music and included it on their latest album, Mega Verses Volume 3: All Scripture.  I'm so thankful they have done that as it's made it so much easier to remember these verses!

Bible verse memorization is not something with which I grew up, but it is something my husband and I are focusing on with our children.  Living the Word starts with knowing the Word so we want lots of verses hidden in their hearts (and in the process, ours as well!).  There are many great resources out there for that and I'm glad to have Mega Verses to add to our arsenal.

Here are the songs in Volume 3:

  • Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-26
  • Follow Me - Luke 9:23-24
  • Rejoice - Matthew 5:3-12
  • Be With You - Philippians 4:4-9
  • All Scripture - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • Unless the Lord - Psalm 127
  • Eternal Life - John 3:16-18
  • Living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1-2
  • Saved - Romans 10:9-13
  • Iniquity of Us All - Isaiah 53:4-6
  • How Beautiful - Romans 10:14-15
  • Treasures - Matthew 6:19-21
  • Exodus 20:1-17 (King James Version)
You can download just the Exodus 20:1-17 (KJV) song for $0.99.  I like that you can choose to have it without the vocals - that really tests you as to whether or not you know the words.

Here is the Exodus song and actions to go with it on YouTube.  It can be purchased as well, for those times when you don't have internet access yet you want to review the song and motions.

Some other resources they provide for us are some printable posters of memory verses that apply to each CC Cycle (scroll down a bit) and downloadable lyric videos that can be used for worship at churches and in your own home. 

The Hendricks also travel, doing Mega Verse concerts at churches or family events.  Please contact them at if you are interested.

Also, visit Half-a-Hundred-Acre Wood for her Mega Verse review.


-giveaway now closed-  

The Hendricks have generously provided me with an extra CD to give away.  Just leave a comment (with an email so I can contact you)  for a chance to win.  I will use Random Generator to pick a winner on Monday, November 5th. (Open to US and Canadian mailing addresses.)


  1. Thank you so much for all your sharing , i receive your email updates in my inbox , love to read and get lots of inspiration from your work with your kiddos . I use lots of your ideas with my kiddos . I have little time to comment online and thank you xxx Like you i never grew memorizing verses , yes we read the bible alone and with kids but when i started homeschooling and learned for the first time about memory verses i knew i want to do it with my kids but to be honest with you i have no idea where to start . This look a good starting point for our family, would be a wonderful blessing if i win , thanks for doing the give away xxx viv

  2. We also use song to memorize... well, everything! I haven't tried Mega Verses, but I would like to! (We do listen to Seeds Family Worship online, and it also has great scriptures set to a tune.)

    Jana L Brown

  3. Sounds like a great CD!!

  4. This CD sounds great! WE love it when verses are put into song as well. I haven't heard the Mega Verses yet, but I would definitely put the CD to great use. We like to listen to Seeds Family Worship...they also do a great job putting bible verses into song. Love your have great ideas! Thanks for all that you post.


  5. Mega Verses looks like fun. Logan loves songs to help him memorize.
    -Brenda Eaddy

  6. Thank you Julie. Mega Verse sounds great! Logan loves songs to help him learn.
    -Brenda Eaddy

  7. Oh we are always on the lookout for more songs for music too, thanks for this!

  8. I love anything that helps to learn and meditate on the Bible!

  9. We are using the YouTube video to memorize the Exodus passage. I'd love to win the whole CD! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

  10. Forgot my email address! :-)

  11. We tried various memory verse methods but none worked. Perhaps, putting them to music will help!

    Mamamia12003 at yahoo dot com

  12. I bought the Exodus 20 since we are in CC and love how my 5 year old learned it so quickly. It would be great to have the full CD.

  13. Oh, we'd love to try this out! Thanks so much!

  14. I would love to have this CD! Thanks for the offer!

  15. I've already purchased just Exodus 20 but it would be great to have the other songs too. Thanks!


  16. Love your blog!! CD sounds awesome we love scripture music.

  17. I love your blog!! The CD sounds awesome we love scripture music.

  18. Excited to check out this resource - it looks great!
