Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 - Week 7

It's so easy to go crazy with all the fantastic ideas being pinned for Classical Conversations Cycle 1! I have to narrow it down. These plans are to give an idea of what one might do in one week without it being overwhelming, and while balancing all the other subjects one has to teach.  These are the plans I intend to follow for my 5 year old.

We don't plan on teaching much about that religion, but we will be reading stories set in India.

Indus River

Video on Youtube about the Indus River civilization.  I learned a lot.  He speaks way too fast for young kids and has a joke about dating at the beginning.  I will not be showing this to Bear, but am sharing the link because it was informative.
It's amazing that such an ancient civilization had plumbing!

An interactive BBC site about the Indus River Valley just for kids! We've had fun exploring this one.

Story of the World Volume 1's corresponding chapters are Chapter 9 and Chapter 30.

How do animals reproduce? (answer: live birth, eggs, fragmentation) - did you think they would get into details?  When I first saw the question I got a little worried:)  We're going to focus on lifecycles this week for this - butterflies, frogs, other insects etc.  Still have to decided exactly what we will do.

Art tie-in: 

Our art this week will tie in with Science from week 6 (vertebrates).  The plan is to study Paul Klee and his fish painting, using Track E of Meet the Masters.

I think Bear will appreciate the fun Skip Counting mazes from Confessions of a Homeschooler. We'll start these in Week 1, but she just posted about them recently, so I didn't know about them when I started this Cycle 1 series.  They only go up to 12, unfortunately.  Week 7 is skip counting the 13s.  I had a hard time last year with the 13s.  Memorizing is Bear's forte, not mine!

Did you miss the previous weeks in this series? 
Week 1 (and prepositions)
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Helping and Linking Verbs

Classical Conversations Weekly Link-Up


  1. While it sounds wonderful that CC exposes one to so many concepts, I'm glad we decided not to go with it. It would totally overwhelmed me as we have enough to do. I prefer to have some sort of logical sequence as our framework and then let that lead us to unbeaten paths of discovery. With that said, I love the selection of books you've chosen!

  2. I am with JL, but then if I were really homeschooling, I'd probably go with something like what you chose. I got SOTW on CD, and Anna is loving it. We might get a little more in depth on certain topics using You Wouldn't Want to... books - they have some on ancient civilizations.
