Thursday, June 7, 2012

Whiteboard work

We have two whiteboards.  One I bought at Target for the All About Spelling tiles and one my husband used to use in his previous home office, but that no longer fits in his new office.  His whiteboard was a garage sale find and it isn't magnetic, which is why I hadn't bothered trying to talk him into giving it to me when we started AAS.  Since I didn't think I wanted it and it didn't fit in the new office, he was going to sell this whiteboard.

Well, I'm glad he didn't because this is what school looks like for us now:

We now do a lot of work on the big board - especially math, grammar, and spelling.  I love the tiles in AAS, but it takes SO long to build the words with them to do the word studies.  I've just been writing everything on the whiteboard (see left side).  Bear does the word lists on the board (see right side) and the dictation sentences on paper. 

 J-jo likes to doodle - great for development of his motor skills for writing later.  I also do math with him on there. I write 5 numbers out, then call them out, one at a time and he erases the one I call out.

I wrote out all the warm up exercises in our  Rightstart math lesson on the board and it was easier to follow than to have me keep looking back in the book.
 Here, Bear is partitioning 15.  You can see Bear reaching.  I had Dh hang it quite low, but not too low.  I didn't wnat ot have to adjust and rehang it yearly.  It's a little uncomfortable for me presently if I want to write a lot, but it's great for the kids.

This is our Target whiteboard, which is magnetic.  It doesn't get used much right now, but will when J-jo gets to AAS 1.

We don't do school on the whiteboard everyday, but it has offered a novel way to change things up for the kids. 

I had originally thought to write out the Classical Conversations memory work on our big whiteboard each week, but now that I see how much the kids like to write on it, it appears I will have to find a new place for the CC memory work.


  1. I love the large white board! We have several smaller ones but one day I would love a large one!

  2. White boards are wonderful.

    We have a table that is covered in a white board, it's great.

  3. Love them! I'm hoping that I'll have the wall space to hang one in our new house. I'll have to contain my shopping for book shelves next time I go to Ikea. lol

  4. There are a number of ipad apps that are similar to AAS that my students and daughter likes to use. I also find manipulating the tiles to be cumbersome at times.

  5. Do you mind sharing the names of the apps?
