Friday, April 27, 2012

Artists and Art - Piet Mondrian

We've taken such a long hiatus from art in this house that I am resurrecting my Artists and Art posts on a weekly basis to keep me accountable.  I signed up Bear for 4 trial lessons at an art school and was very disappointed in the art work that came home.  I've come to the conclusion that I just can't be lazy about it and will just have to depend upon myself to give Bear and J-jo a good start in art appreciation and art skills.

I eased back into art with a simple abstract project based on Piet Mondrian's Composition II in Red.
image from Wikipedia

 After reading bits and pieces from Wikipedia aloud to Bear and J-jo, and looking up the Netherlands on a map of Europe, we started our art project.  We discussed what would make our art work look like Mondrian's and came up with:
  • needs horizontal and vertical lines
  • needs to have rectangles and squares
  • can only use red, yellow, and blue
  • leave white for contrast
I cut strips of black construction paper and they glued them down. Then they chose from the three colors, deciding where to paint. That's it!


The best part is that the children were able to see some Mondrian paintings in person at our art museum this week.  

Next up: some Matisse and Picasso 


  1. I love love love this! I think that I may be using your lessons for art next year! Thanks for sharing your amazing ideas!

  2. Nice! Perhaps you will also resurrect link ups?

  3. This is absolutely brilliant. Will be doing this with my preschooler and 7th grader next week! Thanks!!
