Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chores and Expectations

Here are some chores/expectations I have for each of my children.

J-jo (17 months) is expected to 
  • get his plate/bowl and utensils
  • put his shoes and coat away when we come in
 The hooks in the background are at kid level and both children are expected to hang coats there.  The basket behind the water dispenser holds cloths to wipe spills and mouths (two more tasks J-jo and Bear do). The basket and water dispenser are sitting on one of those shoe cubbies (also from the closet organizer section of Target).  The shoe cubby is where J-jo and Bear put there shoes away when they come in.  The water dispenser is how Bear gets water for herself and J-jo, although J-jo now assists in the pouring - he pushes the lever while bear holds his glass.  I love to see them working together like this.
  • help me pick up his toys
  • put certain items in the trash (like a piece of paper I might see on the ground or the empty yogurt container after snack)
 This cabinet is on the floor. It is a closet organizer unit I got at Target (our kitchen is small and didn't have cabinets that would work for the kids).  Everything is organized and labeled.  The utensils are in the plastic baskets.  Most of the plates are in the drying rack at the time of this photo.  There are many pitchers, but each pitcher has its purpose.

He also helps me with laundry (when it's convenient).  I do most of the laundry after the kids are asleep because it works better for me.  When I am doing a load during the day he likes to help put the clothes in the washer or dryer, but he isn't as helpful as Bear was at that age.

I would like both of them to put their clothes in the laundry baskets but because my husband does bath time, he usually forgets to have them do that.  Bear, however, will do it if reminded.

Bear (3.5 years) is expected to
  • set her place at the table (placemat, utensil, plate/bowl) for all meals and snacks
  • clear her place by bringing everything to the sink and wiping her placemat and putting it away still working on the last part)
  • pick up her toys (without my help)
  • put her dirty clothes in the laundry basket
  • put her clean clothes in her closet (everything but the dresses, which I hang for her)
 This is a shoe shelf that wasn't being used so I put it in her closet to put her clothes.  She does not have a dresser.  This is easier than a dresser anyway for her to choose clothes and put them away.  I usually tidy it up once a week because she doesn't always put the clothes away perfectly.  The bottom baskets hold underwear, socks, tight, and miscellaneous items like undershirts and leotards.  We try to keep outfits together on the shelves.

We have an atmosphere/expectation of "everyone pitches in" at our house.   Bear is extremely helpful for her age.  She will bring me anything I ask her (tissues, dishes, snacks, toys or water for J-jo).  She helps J-jo with many things.  She is always willing to "wash" the dishes, help me prepare snacks etc. Our home is set up for the kids to be able to help and assist in many things.  I have always had Bear help me with everything such as baking and laundry.  Often she helps me fold laundry for fun, but this isn't an expectation yet.  If she doesn't want to help me, it is fine. Both kids also help make the beds.  Again, this isn't demanded.  They join in because it is fun to put the cushions and pillows on the bed.  At some point, I will expect them to do it themselves, but for now, I like the fact that they will help with everything and they enjoy doing so.

How do your children help around the house?  Do they have set chores?


  1. I'm working on establishing more set chores, so it's really useful to see what works in your home!

  2. My daughter who is 3 also helps set the table and clear it when we are done. She also put the silverware away when the dishwasher is done.

  3. We don't use our dishwasher. Bear sometimes will put away dishes I have just dried if I remember to ask her:)

  4. I'm so glad you wrote this post. Since L is so close in age to Bear it is very helpful to hear what she is doing. Sounds almost exactly the same as at our house. L used to set her own place she doesn't anymore, although she does clear it, scrape her food into the green bin and put her dishes in the dishwasher. She is expected to always put away her activity before she gets out something else and school has helped a lot with that.
    She also puts her laundry away unless my mom gets to it first and sometimes feeds the dog. She will also help with dusting a hoovering when she feels like it.
    We are finally moving into our own house next month and I can't wait to set up L's environment just how I want it.
    Soo funny about clothes not going in laundry when Daddy puts them to bed. Right now I'm looking at a top and dirty socks on the living room floor. LOL

  5. I would love my 3.5 year old to do some of the things J-Jo does! He comes in the house and every time I have to remind him to take off his coat and hat. How should I get him to do it on his own, much less actually hang it on his hook?

  6. @Dara - well, they both need reminders most of the time:) So I can't answer your question.
    @About a Girl - Bear does like to dust too; I forgot to mention that. And I felt super eager to set up our space when we lived with my inlaws for three months last January, so I know how you feel.

  7. The list is very similar except we don't do a lot in the kitchen with her since most things are high up. Her closet is set up so she can dress herself in the morning and change into her jammies at night. Shoes go in the shoe closet, dirty clothes in the hamper and her coats are hung on her wall. It makes my life easier when she can do these things by herself. I rarely dress her anymore as she chooses her own clothes on most days. She gets paid to help with the laundry because she doesn't like to do it otherwise. I don't blame her. I should take pictures of our organization. And we can definitely work on making the kitchen more child friendly.

  8. Great post. We just now added clothes selection and independent dressing (on the days when we don't need to rush anywhere) to the list of Anna's "jobs". The rest is similar to your list. We are "working on" clearing out one activity before starting another, especially in crafts.

  9. I love the look of your shelves. Ours always get so messy.
