Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Artists and Art Week 17 - Leonardo da Vinci

After reading Katie and the Mona Lisa , Bear was interested in Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, inventor, sculptor, architect, and illustrator during the Renaissance.  He painted the Mona Lisa on a piece of pine wood in 1506. 

Bear did some three part cards I made of da Vinci's art work.  As she matched the images, we discussed what we noticed about the pieces of art on the cards.

We decided that a good project to go with the Mona Lisa would be to paint a portrait.  We talked about how a portrait usually only shows the head and the shoulders.  We talked about different facial expressions that could be shown in the portrait.  We practiced drawing portraits, mixed skin color, and then painted our portraits.

If you've done any art with your child this week based on an artist or illustration style, or taught some of the elements and principles of art, or studied a musician or any other type of artist, please join the Linky.  Please remember to link back.  
Comments are appreciated, especially if you link up! 

This post also linked to stART


  1. You should frame this portrait - it looks great! I like the idea of three part cards for famous art works.

  2. Please share the 3 part cards if you can! We are doing DaVinci now and other artists because we leave for Florence, Italy next week! :)

  3. Oh we have that book too and love it! Love your portrait it turned out so sweet!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty!


  4. I love her portrait! She did an awesome job.

    Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn. I will Stumble this post.
