Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Quick Science Experiment

After cooking a whole chicken, I had a wishbone to show Bear.  I told her about how you can wish on this bone when you break it.  Since we then had two pieces, I put one in vinegar and left one out in the air.  I told Bear she'd feel something really neat in a two or three days.

 The bone left in the air was hard and stiff.
 The bone in the vinegar was all rubbery.
The vinegar is a mild acid and dissolves the calcium in the bone.  Calcium is what make the bones hard. 

Here's a link to a detailed how to for those who like directions.


  1. I remember reading about it before. Apparently, you can also make a knot in the rubberized bone and then leave it in the air. The bone will then get the minerals out of the air and will get hard again.

  2. I keep meaning to do this with the kids because they are so intrigued with bones, but haven't remembered to do it.

    I've heard you can do similar with coke.

  3. Very cool! I'm not sure it would encourage my kids to eat enough calcium... they might think it would be fun to be so bendy. ;)
