Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Artists and Art Week 15 - Georges Seurat and Pointillism

Our foray into pointillism was piqued by reading Katie's Sunday Afternoon.  Bear loves these books about Katie who can go through a frame and enter a painting.
The idea of pointillism is not to mix colors.  This allows for optical mixing - your eye mixes the colors as it sees the two colors next to each other.  Georges Seurat began this art movement.  One of his famous paintings is An Afternoon at La Grande Jatte.  This painting took him two years to finish.

If you scroll down on this page, you can see a close up of part of the painting that shows the dots of paint.
Here is a You Tube video that shows some of Seurat's work.

I gave Bear a Seurat coloring page. I let her paint in the picture with the end of a pencil (the eraser side). 

She didn't finish and had no desire to try her own creation with dot painting.

If you've done any art with your child this week based on an artist or illustration style, or taught some of the elements and principles of art, or studied a musician or any other type of artist, please join the Linky.  Please remember to link back.  
Comments are appreciated, especially if you link up! 

This post also linked to stART


  1. I have to try these books again this year - maybe we will have better luck. I think q-tips might have generated more enthusiasm - at least here daughter loves painting with q-tips.

  2. I had planned to use q-tips but when I went to get some from the bathroom, I realized we were out!

  3. I have the book so I would like to do this in the New Year. But I doubt that JC will want to finish it either. It's worth a try.

  4. LOVE Seurat. May I ask where you got the coloring page?

  5. I just googled Georges Seurat coloring pages.

    The one we ended up using is here http://scrapcoloring.com/texts/georges-seurat
    but I also printed out http://www.supercoloring.com/pages/bathers-at-asnieres-by-georges-seurat/.

  6. I am going to have to get this book for my children. They are a bit older they would love to try this out. I am not artistic at all, this looks doable with the q-tips:)Thank you for sharing.

  7. oh neat! I will try and see if we have that book at my library, great art activitiy :)

  8. The book selection sounds like something we would really love to read. I will have to look for it at the library. We have done q-tip paintings like that, but never to color in a picture. We will have to give that a try. Thank you for linking up to stART!!

  9. We have Katie and the Mona Lisa and love it.This book looks great too!

    (PS again... would LOVE for you to link up to Kids Get Crafty, this is right up my street!!)

  10. (thank you, will stumble this!!)

  11. A coloring page is a great place to start having a child layer color. This looks great.

    Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  12. I just found this through pinterest, after a mention on a blog post of mine, that someone had seen something like it there - don't know how I missed this through stART, but I'm happy to find the book recommendation now!
