Monday, June 21, 2010

We Play - Geography playscapes

We have been using playscapes so much these days. This playscape was special in that I was able to teach in the moment a bit and tell Bear about where rivers come from and where they end up.  On the left you see our brown mountain with a small stream and you can see the stream widening into a small river, a wider river and then opening up into the ocean at the right.  We also placed the animals in their respective environments as we played with them, so the mountain goats are on the mountain, the moose and elk in the grasslands, the river otter and beaver in the river and the whale and dolphin in the ocean.

Come over and play at the Childhood 101 We Play link up


  1. That is AWESOME! Now, why didn't I think of that? Just kidding. Seriously, this is a GREAT idea and so hands-on! I'm sure they understood the concepts readily.

    As for the giveaway post, I think you were the only one that actually answered my question! That's interesting that you learned French by syllables. Are you introducing French or Spanish to your kids?

  2. Thank you JL! We speak French and Spanish to the kids, but I am teaching them to read in English first as it is the language we read most of our books in and also I think it is easier to learn to read in French and English, whereas English has so many rules that aren't rules, if you know what I mean. Actually I'm not sure what will happen with J-jo as I speak to him way more in French than I did to Bear. At ten months I switched to mostly English with her, but I haven't made the switch yet with J-jo.

  3. Great idea and so wonderful to be able to physically show the children using the playscape.

  4. I can tell that you have a whole lot of fun playing with your animals :) Learning always happens best when both the teacher and the student have fun.

  5. I think it's time we pulled out our Schleich animals again, and maybe invested in some more. It might be interesting talking about the animals and environments with our map of the world ... some thing to think about! Thank you! :)

  6. I think it's time we pulled out our Schleich animals again, and maybe invested in some more. It might be interesting talking about the animals and environments with our map of the world ... some thing to think about! Thank you! :)

  7. I love the educational aspect of this playscape!

  8. I love your playscape and all the learning hiding within. I am sure Bear absorbed so much by doing and seeing and learning in this way from you.
