Sunday, June 20, 2010

Building Numbers

I love the Montessori materials for math.  The wooden number cards feel so good in your hand.  The cubes, squares and beads are infinitely nicer (even the discount versions) than the unit blocks I used in third grade.  However, the activity that follows can still be done without the Montessori material.  Here's a nice tutorial on how to make your own number cards.  You can just use strips of paper, but the numbers do have to line up and be spaced well, as you'll see from the photos.  Instead of beads and the cubes and squares, you can use traditional base ten blocks.

Even though Bear is still working on teens and numbers past twenty, I feel it is important to talk about bigger numbers with her.  This is why we had started the hundred board and why I had already shown her place value using the cube, square, ten, and unit.  This particular day, we worked on building numbers.

First Bear chose one of each number card.
Then we stacked them so she could understand how the number would be written.

Then Bear went to the shelf and brought the correct amount of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones (she changed the tens card partway through because she wanted to make a square out of the tens bars).
She did one more before she'd had enough.


  1. Thanks for this post! Montessori math materials are my favorite!
    I really do need to get more thousand cubes...our 4 year old loves this work - but I only have 1 golden bead thousand cube!

  2. We've done this activity with linking blocks but JC hasn't shown too much interest. I wish there was another way to introduce it.

    But I have to say...I love Montessori materials too! I'm planning to pass it down instead of selling them when we're done.

  3. Wow! What beautiful materials and a wonderful way to help develop number sense!!

  4. Good to know about the Montessori materials!

  5. Those materials look so beautiful - I almost wish I sent Anna to a Montessori school. I have to try the homemade version once of those days when the dust of my travels settles. By the way, I already got Bear an England postcard and will get her one from Israel too :)
