Monday, December 9, 2013

Daybook December 8, 2013

Outside my Window
Rain, again. It's night now, so very dark outside my window.  It was so strange that on Friday we were out in shorts and t-shirts, but the cold returned on Saturday and we had to bundle up again.  I am so glad we went to the playground on Friday with friends to take advantage of the weather.

I am Thankful For

a husband who helps so much around the house and with the kids even when he's sick.  I have a great husband and feel so blessed!

I am Pondering

why Bear has been so difficult this past month and a half.  I remember really struggling with her this time last year, too.  We struggled so much last year, that we toured a private school and I filled out ALL the lengthy paperwork to send her there, but in the end, right before I handed over a registration fee, the 40 minute drive each way, plus the insanely early start time, and lots of prayer, made us decide that it wasn't the right solution.  In January, my sweet child came back from wherever she had wandered and living with her was pleasant again.  Is this going to be a yearly thing we have to go through?

From the Schoolroom

Excited to try a few new lessons from  I will be writing a review post about it at the end of the week.  I've joined The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Review Crew this year.  It's been a lot of work this week, especially with the flu going around the house at the same time!

From the Kitchen

I made gingerbread cookies once the kids went to bed.  I love the smell of gingerbread cookies.  I love the taste of gingerbread cookies.   We were almost out of sugar so they are less sweet than usual and I love them even better.  The recipe makes a lot, but I don't bake them all at once, so we will have warm cookies all week.

I am Creating

blog posts to meet my new goal of writing two posts a week.  I am trying to get ahead by writing a few to schedule.  Are there any topics you all would like me to write about?  

I am Reading

In This House of Brede.  I learned of it on someone's blog, but can't remember whose.  The library happened to have it.  A woman at the top of the corporate ladder decides to become a nun.  It's not as captivating  as The Book Thief was, but I am not very far along.

I am Listening To

silence.  It is wonderful when I wake up before the kids and just get to listen to silence.  Silence is so calming.  

Praying For
the health of my family. We all had the flu this past week (and it hit J-jo on Thanksgiving day) and my husband is the last to recover - he is fine, just sniffling.

Clicking Around

a lot of TOS Review Crew forums and learning all about social media.

Around the House

I've actually folded laundry and got it put away.  But the cycle all starts again tomorrow, as the pile waiting to be watched has grown huge again. 
I am working on decluttering the house.  It seems an ever ending task.  My husband contributed by cleaning out his side of the closet and getting rid of a ton of clothes.  

Plans for the week

We're seeing the Nutcracker with our home school group.  It was a Christmas tradition growing up to see this every year with my mom or my grandmother.  This will be the kids' third year going.  They really enjoy it.  It's a shortened school version that leaves out much of the party scene, but retains all the other wonderful aspects of the story.  It's very well done and we've enjoyed it.  It's also very affordable.  One year, I would love to take Bear to the beautiful theater to see the real version.

A Picture

An Art lesson from

Visit So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler to see other daybooks. 

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