Monday, December 23, 2013

Daybook - December 23, 2013

{This post may contain affiliate links of items that I have used and enjoyed.  Thank you for your support of this blog and our family by purchasing through our links.}

Outside My Window:
Lots of Christmas lights displayed.  We went for a drive last night deliberately to see as many lights as possible.

I am Thankful for:
The few warm days we had.  I wish they had stayed, but maybe we will get some more. Meanwhile, my kids are wishing for snow.

I am Thinking about:
All the exciting changes coming to my blog!  A new domain name!  A move to self-hosted WordPress. A new design. A more cohesive content.  A predictable string of weekly posts.  Aren't you excited, too?

In the Schoolroom:
A much needed break! Hurray!  

From the Kitchen:
Soup for a chilly day.  My mother and sister-in-law are making tamales, which are so much a part of our Christmas Eve tradition.  Christmas Eve is not Christmas Eve without tamales.

In the home:
That Christmas Eve get-together is happening here so I have been cleaning and tidying like a mad-woman.  Still have a ways to go.

I am Creating:
Gingerbread Houses with the kids.  Except, they aren't made of gingerbread, or even graham crackers.  They are cardboard houses - you know all those Amazon boxes, that's what we do with them.  The frosting? Dollar Tree sells frosting.  It's full of abominable non food ingredients, but since we don't eat our "gingerbread" houses, why waste all my wholesome, expensive ingredients to make icing, right?  The candy is ALL the candy the kids saved from Halloween.  The kids had so much fun!

I am Reading:
I am reading this book by Ruth Soukup.  It's, in part, been some of the inspiration and long-needed push I've needed to improve the blog.

I am listening to:
The Divine Office App.  It was an early Christmas present from my husband.  I listened to it all day while folding laundry, eating lunch, driving to church so Bear could practice being an angel for tomorrow's children's Mass.

I am struggling:
With going to bed at a decent time.

For my mother-in-law who fell in the middle of the night and hit her head quite badly.  I am praying she feels better from all the headaches and lightheadedness she's having.

Clicking Around:
I haven't had much time for clicking around, but Education is for Life is a great article on rest that resonated with me as I skimmed it.  I am waiting for a quiet moment to go back and meditate on it.
Plans for the week:
Christmas :)  Enjoying my family.

A picture (or two):

Linked at Catholic Woman's Almanac this week.


  1. Nos encanta tu casita de gengibre!!!!! Feliz Navidad Julie!!!!!

  2. Oh now that is a fabulous idea with the gingerbread houses. I have heard of families buying them on clearance after Christmas and then decorating them the next year and not eating them (obviously) but I like your idea better because then I don't have to store them for a year and remember where they are!!
