Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Daybook December 18, 2013

Outside My Window:
The most beautiful moon.  I love a big full moon. I wish I could have taken a picture of it, but I was driving.  Low in the dusky sky, it seemed bigger and more magnificent than ever.

I am Thankful for:
God's amazing creation.  Being out in nature fills my spirit because every little detail is from God. The way the sun streams through the leaves in the forest, the way the grass turns yellow in the winter, everything.

I am Pondering:
My lesson plans for the second half of the school year. I've been reevaluating what we're doing and really enjoying the laid-back schedule and would like to maintain the lower-stress atmosphere in the new year.

In the Schoolroom:
Some fun math.
We are trying something new this week and doing a trial run of Heart of Dakota Preparing Hearts for His Glory.  I had bought this curriculum thinking I would use it in the fall, but it wasn't the right timing, what with being on bedrest, then having everything else happen, so we kept with the status quo.  However, after much prayer about it, I feel like we need to give it another shot.  As is my usual style, however, I am modifying it somewhat and including J-jo in the history and science readings.  If after a week of it we don't prefer it, I will know to finally sell it.

From the Kitchen:
I am inspired by Don't Waste the Crumbs to completely lower our grocery budget. I am aiming for $50 per week for the next three weeks. I've managed to keep it at $45 for the coming week, but I am having to be very creative with meals. For example, Bear requested barley porridge for breakfast because she heard me mention that we were out of rice and pasta but that I had two bags of barley in the pantry. Who knew that barley porridge would taste as delicious as rice pudding? It's exhausting to come up with meals that require nothing but what is already in the fridge or pantry though, especially when starting with depleted staples. We have one egg left and that has to suffice until Saturday's Costco run. This is where the exhausting comes in. I also want to try 6 weeks of gluten free and dairy free to see if it helps a certain little man's behavior, but not up to that extra challenge just yet.  Any advice from those that eat GF and DF?  Also, any thoughts as to where I might purchase eggs that are not from chickens that have been fed soy?  I know that I need to find a farm, but any luck in a store?

In the home:
We put up our Christmas tree over the weekend and Bear and I had a nice bonding time decorating it.

I am Creating:
Nothing.  Isn't that sad.  I don't like this "I am Creating" heading.  Every time I come to it, I feel a bit despondent.  I create blog posts, dinners, and lesson plans, and that is about it! I do need to paint two shepherds from the Advent Spiral, but never seem to be inspired to do so.

I am Reading:
Still reading In This House of Brede.  I have advanced exactly 3 chapters in a week.  I've picked up some C.S. Lewis works, but haven't been motivated to read those either!

I am listening to:
Song School Latin with the kids.  We're in the second book and the kids still really enjoy it. I like that the second book has stepped it up a notch and included verb endings.  It actually corresponds well to Classical Conversations Cycle 2 Latin memory work.

I am struggling:
With a little boy who gets angry very easily.

The Saint Andrew Novena and asking for a very special blessing.  I am also praying that the health insurance would accept our appeal and pay what it should.  Praying for the grace to not be bitter about companies that seem to find every possible loophole to avoid paying what they are supposed to. Praising God for an accommodating perinatologist who will write us a letter to attach to our appeal.

Clicking Around:
Master Artist Ideas on Pinterest - can't wait to try some of the ideas that have been pinned here!

Plans for the week:
Well, the week is halfway through already.  I can't believe that Christmas is a week away.  The kids are very excited, but we are still schooling until the end of the week.

A picture:

Dont' Want to Forget:
J-jo is forever telling me he is hungry and my usual response is, "But you just ate!"  His reply is, "But Mommy, haven't I told you a thousand times that I am a hungry boy!"

Visit So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler to see other daybooks.


  1. I love your journal entries ~ they remind me so much of the Daybook entries I used to do on my family blog. I always loved the creating entry, though, because I love to create (lesson plans and dinners count!!!), but I do struggle when it comes to other categories! {Like the rewarding one - I have to really think on that during the week}.

    Thanks for the link to Don't Waste the Crumbs - I added it to my reader. I'm really excited about reading more - we often do challenges like that but with a little more of a budget (for a family of 8), when we need to save money for other things. I have a lot of dried foods stored that we should be eating anyways.

    Will you do a post on HOD Preparing? I never really found a level that would work for us, but I am anxious to hear how you like Preparing. That is the level I think Malachi would place in, but we are over half way through CHOW, and I like SOTW and MOH, and not sure I can add them to HOD. (And keep them together).

    Hope you have a nice rest of your week! :)

  2. Thanks, Michelle. I will try to do a post on HOD in January, after we have used it for at least 2 weeks! So far, I like the short lessons. I like the poetry. She really teaches the poetry well, that first week, anyway. They learn verses, stanzas, rhyme schemes. I mean, it's all stuff I have done while reading poetry, but I like that it is in the curriculum. I also like the character trait (persistence) and how it is tied to all parts of the curriculum in the first week. I am not so thrilled with the science so far - the first experiment is a sink/float one and I feel all kids should know that by this point (it is a guide for 7-9, after all). There is a lot of writing though. Today we did definitions and Bear complained and it was hard for her, but the rest of the day, she was using those words in sentences in talking to us. So I guess it paid off. I am not following their math and J-jo is following the emerging reader section, and we are doing our own thing for Language Arts. I will be more detailed, with photos etc in the post. Bear is still reading STOW on her own or with me at bedtime, but we are no longer doing written narrations for it. I don't want to do STOW 4 with her yet either b/c I feel she's a bit young for it but we are almost done STOW 3, which is part of the reason we are using HOD right now (or trying it at least).

  3. I hear you on the "creating" entry. I usually have to dig for that one too. I am so impressed that you are still schooling! We've been on break already (cough) for a little while. ;) I really should keep up the reading with Snap, though.

    I hope your final week of Advent is lovely!
