Sunday, November 24, 2013

Grieving My Angels - The difficulty of sorrow during a season of joy and thanksgiving

Today marks three months since the delivery of Samuel into the world at 19 weeks, and just over two months since the delivery of Noah at 23 weeks. I would have been 33 weeks pregnant today, with 7 weeks left to go.   Life goes on, as they say, but life goes on differently after a stillbirth.  It just seems like every couple of weeks I have a couple of depressing days in which everything around me makes me think of what could have been and what is no longer.  And I cry. And cry. And cry.

I am blessed with two beautiful, God-loving, smart, funny, creative children.

(Taken just two weeks after the loss of Noah - I am a mournful mess inside, yet still somehow, God gave me the grace to enjoy this day at the pumpkin patch with our homeschool group.)

Still, my heart yearns and longs for the beautiful and perfect two that almost were.  My mind is filled with "if onlys."  If only Noah had held out one more week.  If only I had realized my amniotic fluid was leaking earlier.  If only I hadn't gotten the infection that took Samuel's life.  If only I had been better at being on bedrest.  If only I hadn't had placenta previa.  If only my body had not betrayed me....

I know God has a plan for me.  I know that everything that happened was out of my control and completely in His.  I trust His plan.  I am not bitter or angry at God.  Just feeling melancholy.  The reality is that chances were high that even if Noah had held out one more week, he still might have died from being so premature. "If onlys" are just a snare from the devil, entrapping me in sorrow, instead of letting me focus on the joy of the coming season. All those Advent plans?  They are my way of not wallowing in the grief. It's okay to grieve and I am letting myself mourn, but blaming myself and the wishing that things had gone differently aren't helping me heal.

I am counting all the blessings I can as we approach Thanksgiving.  I have so much to be thankful for. That sounds so forced and contrived - a mask I am trying to wear to hide the sorrow - but really, I am thankful and for so, so many things.  Most of all, I am thankful that though I lost the twins, I did so at a point in my pregnancy when they could actually be held and admired.  Marveled at.  Yes, I am ever so thankful that I got to marvel at their perfection and God-breathed beauty.  I am so thankful that God was in all the details in the consternation that beheld most of August and September and that every day has joy-filled blessings as well as sorrows.


  1. Sending prayers and hugs your way. My little one who would have been nearly 4 crosses my mind daily... even now. I'm so, so sorry.

  2. Oh heavens. Prayers for you, sweet friend. I'm so sorry for your loss, in every way. I will mourn with you. For some reason these holidays do remind me of loss and heartache, and make me deeply contemplate life's blessings. Meanings. Heart-touchings. Wishing I could hug you from afar. Collette

  3. What incredible loss. My heart breaks for you. What two beautiful blessings you have here with you on this earth. I am 15 weeks pregnant and am on bed rest with placenta previa. Walking a tough road of trying to manage my two children and care for the life within me the best I can. I had placenta previa with my son my last pregnancy as well, and nearly lost my life and his. I am counting each day a blessing with the little life I carry now, knowing that I have no real control over the outcome. God carries us all in His hands. So sorry your heart and hands are empty today with your losses. Praying for God to shower you in His peace and eternal blessings over the holidays.

  4. I lost a daughter, Lily, at 23 weeks in August 2008. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her...
    Prayers to you and your family for peace ((hugs))

  5. I am so sorry, Julie. I also lost a son at 16 weeks due to an infection. I had no idea anything was wrong until there was no heartbeat at my 18 week appointment. I will never forget holding his little body that fit in my hand.

    God be with you. Emmanuel; He is with you. We have children waiting us in heaven, where we will meet again.

  6. Kat, I am praying for you. It took me a while to be able to come back here to respond to comments. Thank you everyone for all the kind, encouraging comments.

  7. Jen, I am so sorry for your loss, too! Lily is a beautiful name.

  8. Mystie, I am so sorry:( That 18 week appointment had to be so devastating.
