Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Daybook November 26, 2013

Outside my Window
Gloomy rain. I feel like I am back in Vancouver.  Those days of endless Vancouver rain are what drove me to get my teaching job in Honduras years ago.  And if I had never gone to Honduras, I probably wouldn't have met my husband.  We met at the Miami airport while we were both waiting for flights.  He was going to Costa Rica to visit family and I was flying back to Honduras to visit friends there.  

I am Thankful For

My children and husband and for all the hugs they give me. I am thankful for in-laws who were willing to drive 30 minutes in aforementioned rain to come watch the kids so my husband and I could go see Catching Fire. 

I am Thinking About

How overwhelmed I feel.

From the Schoolroom

Tired of not fitting it all in.  Taking a break until Monday.

From the Kitchen

The baked chicken fajitas turned out really well tonight. It was my first time trying the recipe.  

I am Creating

A meal plan for December.  I made one for November and it really helped for the first two weeks.  I had to readjust it the second and third week, but it really did help my stress level at dinner time.  I just have to make sure I get to the food prep in the morning on days I am using the crockpot. Sometimes, I forget. I'm pinning the recipes on a December meal plan board so the recipes I need will be easy to find.

I am Reading

Just finished up The Book Thief.  I saw the preview for the upcoming movie, which made me want to read the book.  It wasn't what I was expecting, but I think I liked it. It isn't a happy book.  It is set in Germany during World War II so it was definitely depressing.

I am Listening To

The Liturgy of the Hours in the morning and evening and loving it.

Praying For
the needs of family and friends.

Clicking Around

Around the House

Trying to catch up with laundry and photographing all the kids accumulated art work so I can get rid of the humongous tower of papers in the master bedroom.

Two of My Favorite Things

Listening to J-jo play.  He makes up elaborate stories and voices for all the characters.  
Watching Bear do her gymnastic routines for her upcoming in-house competition on the 14th of December.

Plans for the week

Getting ready for Advent.  I need to find our Advent candles.  The Advent spiral is all ready to go.  The kids were really excited to see it out.  Our Jesse Tree ornaments are ready to go.

A Picture

of  the Advent spiral with all its peg people on it.  That's a bit misleading since a good number are sheep, 2 are camels and one is a donkey.  I still have to paint two shepherds.  Of course, I took them all off and we will add the first angel on December 1st.

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