Friday, September 27, 2013

Enjoying SQUILT, Making Math Fun, and Evaluating School so Far - Collage Friday

We had such a wonderful Friday.  We did two SQUILT lessons and I spent some time playing math games with Bear since her math is all review and I didn't want to hand her a page of 2-digit addition questions just for the sake of doing math.


We did the whole SQUILT lesson (affiliate link) snuggled on the couch with the iPAD, then moved to the table for the drawing and writing portion.

J-jo is illustrating Chaconne in G Minor by Francois Couperin.  It's a sad piece, being in G-minor, so he drew Mommy in a hospital bed with the doctor (in brown), Daddy, himself, and Bear all standing around her. (And since I know so many will want to know why he would draw that...For those of you who knew we were pregnant with twins and that I was on bed rest, I spent a couple of weeks in the hospital and lost both twins, with two and a half weeks of hope that I might carry the second to term.  They were 19 and 23 weeks and were beautiful boys, albeit ever so tiny.  Obviously, we are all grieving, and the children are too, even at 4 and 6 and if anyone has advice on how to help grieving children, please feel free to leave some in the comments.  It would be very helpful.)

Bear is illustrating The Prince of Denmark's March by Jeremiah Clarke.  It's a happier, livelier, regal piece.  The version we were listening to had a trumpet and a pipe organ, so those showed up in her illustration.
SQUILT was fun.  The kids were excited to do this again.  It had been a while since our last SQUILT lesson.  We had listened to the Chaconne a couple of weeks ago, but hadn't done the drawing part.  It was nice to review it today.

Making Math Fun:

Bear's workbook pages looked like this today:
 Quite boring, mundane, repetitive, lonesome work.

I remembered a game we used to play to practice her addition facts.  I forget what they call it in the Rightstart books, but it's like the card game of War, except that each player turns over two cards, adds them up and the player with the largest number gets the cards.  We play this version with J-jo often.

Today's version had us turning over 4 cards to create two-digit numbers.  Below, Bear is adding up 33+63.  She did get more challenging ones involving regrouping, but aside from occasional, random, careless mistakes, she does very well at adding in her head and using mental math strategies.  

Next, we played a fraction game from Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational.  I printed this ages ago and we never got to play it.  We changed it a bit because I was too lazy to go upstairs and get the flat marbles.  We used the cuisenaire rods, not only to keep score, but to help us figure out the answer.  Bear liked this game better than the above game.  By the end of the game, she was using her multiplication skills to figure out the answers and no longer needed the rods.  The game is meant to be played to 50, but Bear insisted we play to 100.

Evaluating School So Far:

We pretty much had a month and a half off school after we started due to the above stated reason.  Some basic school was done - at friends' houses - but it deviated largely from my "master plan".  I am beyond caring right now and have devised a new "master plan" that will be more manageable and allow more time for memory making. Nothing fancy, nothing Pinterest-y, nothing big - just plenty of time being in each other's company and spending quality, not school related, time together.  All three of us need that right now.

Linked to Collage Friday at Homegrown Learners.


  1. The math games look fun, and of course we love SQUILT too! I think you are doing a tremendous job of helping your kids deal with grief - you are so incredibly open and honest with them (to their level) and create an environment where they can discuss their thoughts openly with you. I'm sure others may have more detailed insight, but truly that is the most important element right there. You are a great mama!

  2. Perhaps this is the time to call a "time out" from all the public demands. You have paved the way for so many, now it's time to go under the radar and just live and enjoy your family.

  3. I am so sorry about the babies. My heart goes out to you. I will be praying for you and your family. As for your children, I guess answering their questions, cuddling and being there are all amazing things that you are already doing.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious boys. I'll be praying for God's peace for your family.

  5. I love all your math games. Looks like a great week.

  6. I am so sorry about the loss of your babies. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I pray for peace for you and your family. Time spent making memories and savoring the time with your beautiful children is all good. You have always been an inspiration for me and many others. I'll be thinking of you during this time, that God will bring healing and love.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My positive thoughts go to you and your family in this difficult tine. It's good to see that you are still doing school - keeping busy will hopefully help Bear and Jo-Jo heal quicker. (((Hugs)))

  8. My kids haven't dealt with the loss of siblings, but the loss of an Uncles and Grandparent, and they were around your kids ages, a little younger. Let them talk about it. Don't be surprised if they suddenly have more imaginary friends or new brothers, my daughter created tons of "Ghost friends" to deal with it.

    Let your kids see you cry. Pick up a copy of "Tear Soup." It's a picture book that can be just as helpful for you as it might be for your kids. It talks about how different people feel sad in different ways.

    Lots of hugs for you girl.

  9. I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. {Hugs}

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord be your close Comforter in this time of loss.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord be your close Comforter in this time of loss.

  12. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful boys. I am so sad for you and your family. I will be praying for you during this difficult time.
