Friday, July 12, 2013

Remembering God is in Control

I have had a very interesting 2013.  I haven't shared about it all on the blog, but it has caused a lot of my absences online.  The latest development is that I am pregnant with identical twins but on  indefinite bed rest for placenta previa.  This certainly has put kinks in our summer plans and will certainly put kinks in our plans for the school year.  When I despair of the situation - bed rest is liniting and I am getting terrible neck aches from laying down so much - I remind myself that I am not in control,  God is.

Already I can see growth in my children from this situation.  Bear is learning to have a servant's heart.  She is sent on numerous errands upstairs or downstairs for Mommy who can't walk around.  She has learned to use the microwave to heat up my lentil sock, which I use to relieve the neck pains.  She has learned to be more compliant than she would normally want to be.  She has been a trooper and I am so proud of her.  J-jo  is always willing to give me massages  and to go on errands, too.  He is entertaining himself - he always has been good at that - while I sleep or agonize over the pain in my neck.

I could totally handle bed rest if I just didn't have the neck aches! (edited to add: I have been allowed to sit up more which has alleviated the neck aches.)

Thank goodness for Home Art Studio (not an affiliate link).  I taught the kids to use the DVD player and they put it on and do an art lesson or two while I languish on the couch.  It makes me glad I have set up the house so that anything the kids might need is easy for them to access, including art supplies.

The bonus of being on bed rest? I have had all the time in the world to watch all the teaching DVDs of both Teaching the Classics and IEW's Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, pray over how we are going to home school the next year and figure out our routine for next year to allow me to fit in every single thing I want to do.


  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy, but so sorry about a bed rest limitations. I can see that this challenge is actually leading to Bear's and Jo-Jo's increase in independence. I am sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for your twins to be born healthy and strong.

  2. I hope your placenta previa resolves quickly as your uterus grows! Good news is, with twins it will grow QUICKLY. Kal-El is a "placenta previa" baby so don't despair!

  3. Congratulations!! Our first pregnancy was twins, it's awesome and amazing and exhausting. We now have 4 and life is loud and full! You are blessed to have your helpers :) Give yourself lots of grace and rest after babies come. You seem to have lovely intelligent children who would in no way suffer from less school if needed for awhile, taking care of babies is great Life School! Will be sending prayers your way!

  4. Congratulations! I'm so excited to hear about your double blessing especially in the midst of all that has happened this year! God is good! I'll be praying for your family. How far along are you now?

  5. Praying for you, I know how hard bed rest can be, and how wearying it is.

  6. Congrats on your pregnancy! Placenta previa is no fun. I had that with my daughter but wasn't put on bed rest. The hardest part for me was not being able to lift up heavy things or exercise.

    Hopefully things move around for you by the time delivery comes.

  7. Congratularions Julie!!!! to you and to your beautiful family!! identical twins!!! wow!!! I KNOW THAT GOD ALWAYS IS IN CONTROL!! Everything its going to be perfect!!

  8. Oh, Julie, bless your heart. Are you still on bed rest?? I am praying you are healthy, the pregnancy is going well and you are all doing ok. I had no idea until right now all that has happened this past year with your family.

    I will say prayers for you that you will have a healthy rest of your pregnancy and delivery too.

    Congratulations on your sweet babies. What a blessing, Julie. I am so very happy for you!
