Monday, April 8, 2013

Bach Composer Study

Now that Classical Conversations is done for the year, we get a bonus fun day during the week.  We've been using that day to do composer and artist studies, and art and science projects.

Currently, we are reviewing Cycle 1 composers (Bach, Handel, and Mozart) and have spent a week on Bach.  We'll continue with Bach for a couple more weeks and then move on to Handel.

There's a free ebook about him here and at this link, you can hear the book. More Thomas Tapper composer books are found here. I contemplated purchasing Sebastian Bach, The Boy from Thuringia, but in the end, "free" won out.

From the library we borrowed Johann Sebastian Bach (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) and Sebastian: A Book about Bach .

We listened to the Well Tempered Clavier, and Twelve Little Preludes.

Lastly, Bear read a short biography and then did a notebook page about the main things she remembered about Bach.

We plan to eventually cover all the composers listed at Making Music Fun.  I am printing all the biographies (they are each one page long) and am going to bind them into a book.  We will be adding composers to this timeline.  I found some great composer cards that I have printed out and laminated as well and those have biographical information on the back, but Bear loves to color, so I couldn't resist the timeline.

Composer Biographies at Making Music Fun
Composer Cards
Composer Notebook Pages that we are using.  There are so many out there, it is overwhelming.  I also liked the ones at Blessed Beyond a Doubt and may end up printing those instead. (I discovered them after I had already printed out the Bach one at That Resource Site.)

Disclaimer: Amazon links are affiliate links.


  1. My girls loved listening to Jim Weiss' audio on Handel. I followed it up with this video from the internet-

  2. @Teaching Stars. Thanks! I will check those out.

  3. @Teaching Stars, do you have a link for the Jim Weiss audio on Handel? Can't seem to find it.

  4. Julie Erica at confession of homeschooler made very nice composers lapbook xxx

  5. Thanks for posting these. We've been studying Bach for a few weeks also and there were a couple of things here I hadn't found. Kal-El progressed to the three Bach minuets that are in the Suzuki violin book so it was a natural time to do it. I'll be sure to direct everyone over here when I get around to posting about our Bach work.

    We love the cello suites the most. On YouTube you can find ALL of them being played by Rostropovich:

    And also by Yo-Yo Ma:

    We've always been big fans of the Rostropovich recording of these, but it is nice to not always play the same performer. Anyway, I can't BELIEVE these are up there in their entirety for free!

  6. I apologize! My brain was thinking in two directions at once. The Handel CD I mentioned was actually a Maestro Classics one called "My Name Is Handel". (Jim Weiss was on my brain because of his Live storytelling hour last night. I've had it on my calendar all week to remind me to stream it with my girls.)

  7. @MBT, We love the cello suites too. Thanks for that link. I look forward to reading your blog post about the boys' Bach work. Your blog is always so inspirational:)
