Friday, March 15, 2013

Homeschool Update

Here's what we've been working on since Christmas.

Bear (5.5)

Her work takes about 3 hours per day.  Although a lot of kindergarteners do fewer hours in a homeschool setting, Bear is working at a higher level, so some of the work takes a bit longer.  She still has most of the day to play, which is more than she would have if she went to the private school we visited in December.  I am working on using more Charlotte Mason time frames for her work and recently we have whittled the 3 hours down to 2.  I will share about that in a future post.

Math - Mathematical Reasoning level C (2nd grade).  Singapore Math got done, but she wasn't enjoying it.  I bought Math Mammoth with the hopes she would like that better, but she didn't.  She loves Mathematical Reasoning.  We will continue with level D through the summer and move into Singapore 3 (since I already own it, we will give it another try).

Language Arts - I can not keep up with her reading.  I will start a read-aloud and she will take it from me after a chapter and finish it off in a day.  Whatever books are left in her path, she devours.  She has just started AAS level 5 and is almost finished Writing With Ease Level 1.  She is 1/3 of the way through First Language Lessons 3.
 FLL 3  We'd just finished the AAS lesson on "ght" words, but it obviously didn't fully translate into her writing that same day:)  

History - We finished Story of the World Volume 1 and are into chapter 7 of Story of the World 2.  She did not want to wait until the fall to start the second volume.  We did no activities (per her request) with the first volume, which is why we flew through it.  We're still not adding any activities, but I am requesting narrations of each chapter now.

Science - lackluster.  I could not muster any energy to do much in this department after Christmas.  Our friend just lent us Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry and we have started doing that.  Much easier to do than REAL Science Odyssey, which is what we started with in the fall.  Perhaps I will write a review of both for you in the next few weeks.

J-jo (3.5)

Since Christmas, J-jo is expected to do one math and one reading activity and after that he may go play (which is what he would rather do, unlike Bear at his age).  He spends up to 30 minutes a day on "school."

Math - he alternates between Mathematical Reasoning kindergarten level, Montessori materials (he choose the hundred board, the short bead chains, tracing the sandpaper numbers, and the Montessori math apps on the iPad), Miquon Orange (we just started this one last week, so he's still only in the counting pages) and Rightstart B (in which he is working on the level A lessons included in the B level).  He does not like repetition and gets bored of the same thing every day for math so I just have a lot of choices available and he chooses.

Reading - J-jo reads a Bob book or two daily for his reading practice.  He likes using the Ready2Read sliders from Moffatt Girls. He is gaining confidence rapidly.  There was an offer for a 4 week Reading Eggs trial so he has been doing those lessons nearly daily.  Like his sister, he enjoys it a lot, but I do not think I will purchase the subscription for this time around.  It did get him over a confidence hump, as it did his sister three years ago.
 He listens to audio books a lot and here below he is "following" along.  The book is Thornton Burgess Bedtime Stories and comes with two audio CDs.  He listens to it frequently,  It was a good purchase.

We also do All About Reading level 1 occasionally.  I do have The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading, but am now mostly using AAR.

Writing - J-jo doesn't like writing much, but on days he is showing interest, we use PAL writing, tracing words Mommy writes for him, and Ready2Read worksheets

I'll share our (tentative) plans for next year in the next post.


  1. It was great reading your comeback post! We've been similar in the Language Area too. We've already finished Level 1 and 2 in FLL. How is bear doing with the diagramming in Level 3? With Level 1 and 2 we did the Montessori grammar symbols for the part of Speech. I was wondering how it would work with Level 3. Do you have the teacher's manual as well as the workbook? I was thinking of skipping the workbook and using the Montessori diagramming. You think it is possible?

  2. Have you looked at Beast Academy? We started a small group to do it once a week and that's been a nice change of pace from Singspore. I love Singapore but by 3A, it gets way too repetitive since most of the concepts are not new. I do like Challenging Word Problems though.

    We are finishing off SOTW Vol I. and have done some activities but wished we spent more time on it because each topic was so interesting! It's been our favorite curriculum so far.

    I have yet to find a curriculum for reading and writing and science that I love. We're unschooling in these areas and focusing on learning Spanish and Korean.

    How is your French lessons coming along? Have you looked into Reading A-Z?

  3. @Joyful Learner - I have the text for BA 3A (got it free from someone) but not the workbook. Bear seemed to enjoy it, but it would not be an independent endeavor, and I really need math to be right independent now so I can work with J-jo. Also it isn't really in the budget at this time. How fun that you have a small group for that! It would be fun.

    French lessons are not happening too often:) Perhaps I need to write myself a curriculum.
    I have looked at the French resources on Reading A-Z but haven't been that impressed.

  4. I've been using BA3 with 7, 6, and 5 year olds. Surprisingly the 5 year old has been able to keep up! The 5 year old is great at puzzles (better than the other two) so she has been able to keep pace! Perhaps you can try with both children down the line?

    My friend used A-Z as a supplement and her daughter is reading at a 2nd grade level in French now. I'm trying it with Spanish to see how it goes. If we were completely impressed in the language, we probably would not use leveled readers.

  5. It was great to hear from you again and see that your kids are thriving in their individual homeschools. It is interesting to see how different they seem to be.

  6. Thank you for the update Julie . Our french sii going very well thanks to a wonderful phonetic reading french book i found for CP . it needed little teaching from me . Once your child is reading in english , if you go through the lessons she would just read french . lessons are short , wih fun to read easy to understand stories . I needed to translate wiht our first reading , then she would read and narrate what she read . i am amazed how quickly she moved through the lessons . his books takes you from beginning phonic reading to read full text in french. the book is je lis et j'ecris avec leo et lea . She is also working through the workbook independently learning spelling and grammar and conjugaison . i think bear would really enjoy it . you should try it out .
    Like you my boy is so different than his sister he knows so much , can sound out almost everything but has no patience to read and is lacking sight reading , meaning he would sound out cat hundred times and still needs to sound it out before he reads it , i am wondering how to help him improve his sight reading . he can go though a paragraph sounding out words but by the end it doesn't make any sense to him what he read . I liked the word family slider , will try it with him .Are you using all the Moffatt girls reading pack ??another question , we are finishing level 3 AAS and i am reading to buy the enxt levels . i rarely used the interctive packs and cards from previous levels with my daughter who is happy writing her words on paper , but i was happy to have them when we started just in case we needed them . Now i am wondering if i need to buy them for level 4 , 5 , 6 ?? or if i can save and just get the books ?? what do you think ??
    Any changes in classroom setting ?? I always love your updates so keep them coming xxx

  7. Thank you for the update Julie . Our french sii going very well thanks to a wonderful phonetic reading french book i found for CP . it needed little teaching from me . Once your child is reading in english , if you go through the lessons she would just read french . lessons are short , wih fun to read easy to understand stories . I needed to translate wiht our first reading , then she would read and narrate what she read . i am amazed how quickly she moved through the lessons . his books takes you from beginning phonic reading to read full text in french. the book is je lis et j'ecris avec leo et lea . She is also working through the workbook independently learning spelling and grammar and conjugaison . i think bear would really enjoy it . you should try it out .
    Like you my boy is so different than his sister he knows so much , can sound out almost everything but has no patience to read and is lacking sight reading , meaning he would sound out cat hundred times and still needs to sound it out before he reads it , i am wondering how to help him improve his sight reading . he can go though a paragraph sounding out words but by the end it doesn't make any sense to him what he read . I liked the word family slider , will try it with him .Are you using all the Moffatt girls reading pack ??another question , we are finishing level 3 AAS and i am reading to buy the enxt levels . i rarely used the interctive packs and cards from previous levels with my daughter who is happy writing her words on paper , but i was happy to have them when we started just in case we needed them . Now i am wondering if i need to buy them for level 4 , 5 , 6 ?? or if i can save and just get the books ?? what do you think ??
    Any changes in classroom setting ?? I always love your updates so keep them coming xxx

  8. I would love to know what your children do outside of their school time

    thanks for coming back, I love your blog

  9. I loved this post Julie! I'm so glad you're back. You always inspire me and I love learning about the different curriculums you use since we're still using mostly Montessori. I'm curious about the Match curriculum so I'll have to look into Mathmatical Reasoning. Welcome back.

  10. It's good to see what you've been up to. Bear sounds a lot like Anna when it comes to reading :)
