Monday, January 21, 2013

Montessori Print Shop Giveaway - Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Bundle

One thing I try to do, even though we have moved away from Montessori in our elementary schooling, is to give Bear options and a voice in the choice of her curriculum.  One thing she still loves from when we were doing Montessori preschool is Montessori Print Shop printables.  The printables offer her visuals and tangible materials that cement her understanding and knowledge.  It is always fun to stop by the website and see what PDFs Jennifer has available that coincide with the Classical Conversations curriculum.  I was delighted when I found out there was now a Classical Conversations bundle, making all the relevant PDFs less expensive than buying them all separately! The list of what the bundle includes is available here.

I always have a place in the school room where Bear and J-jo can find all the hands-on theme material.  Last term the shelf had all the botany materials; this term it has all the geology resources.

  Here you can see J-jo working with the parts of a volcano cards. You can see how I store them in homemade construction paper envelopes. 

Here's a close up of how nice the cards are.

Bear likes to make booklets with the blank cards that are included in a lot of the PDFs.  Now she is at the stage where she writes extra information on the back.

The Bundle includes Michelangelo cards.  I haven't put out the work yet, but here is an example of how I used Montessori Print Shop's Georgia O'Keeffe cards almost two years ago.  I think Michelangelo will be similarly displayed in week 17. 

Here are some of the things they will be working on this week - mountains.  Bear saw this on the floor and was very interested, but we were on our way out.  It's the kinds of mountains and how they form.

 And there are even photographs of mountains to classify according to the kinds of mountains!  

These are nomenclature cards of the parts of a mountain.

You now have a chance to win a Classical Conversations Bundle!  Just enter via Rafflecopter below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to supplement our CC memory work with this bundle. My boys really enjoy hands-on activities.

  2. This looks awesome. Even though we don't do Classical Conversations I could see us using these to flesh out more of our science curriculum.

  3. This is fantastic, I love using Montessori materials for our CC science. My daughter likes to match up the three part cards, and I think she'd really like to make her own booklet as well!

  4. I would use these to augment our CC memory work at home and throughout the summer. Of course, I'd bring them to our next Mom's night to show.

  5. I am trying to incorporate more of a Montessori thought process to our schooling. We have three girls ranging 2-7 so we'd get a lot of use out of this!

  6. I'd use them to reinforce our CC memory work!

  7. These are awesome bundles. We just started the CC by your blogs. I was very impressed your homeschooling through the CC. Thanks for great information!

  8. I woud love to receive this bundle:)

  9. I would use it with my daughter for our lessons.
    Thank you so much for the giveaway.
    (Tanya Rubezhov)

  10. Have I mentioned how much I love your blog? So inspiring!!

  11. This is great!! I would use this at home -- since we do Classical Conversations. It would be nice to not have to "look around" for other activities.

  12. Thank you for sharing. I found your blog about a month ago. You have been so helpful in giving different ideas on how to dig deeper into CC. Love it!

  13. I would use it with my daughter whom I am planning to homeschool.

  14. I would use it with my daughter!

  15. I would use this much like you do. I usually try to set up Montessori type "invitations" in the morning and always delight to see my son working with them. I've been wanting this one for a while! Thanks!

  16. I love this bundle! Thanks so much for the opportunity. Your blog is amazing!

  17. We are moving toward a more classical approach to subjects but still trying to maintain the Montessori activities for the boys, this would be the perfect solution for that in our eclectic homeschool

  18. I will be adding it to our workbox program that we are starting in therapy (my daughter is autistic) and will be bringing into our regular schedule.

  19. My son is in kindergarten (age 6), but we do after schooling at home. We would love to use these in our lessons this year! He adores the MPS the point that I have to laminate EVERYTHING. :)

  20. Oh, I wish I could have this:) My little one REALLY loves to learn..

  21. Personally, I need to brush up on my 7 wonders of the ancient world (hello trivia night), but I know my 4.5 yo would be in love with that week too! judychrz at gmail

  22. We would set it up on our tot school trays.

  23. I would supplement our CC memory work with this bundle. The children of my class really enjoy hands-on activities.

  24. Looks like lots of great stuff! I'd love to win!!

  25. I would use them everyday to reinforce the memory work. So cool!

  26. I would use these to supplement our science and memory work, what a great bundle!

  27. I would use these for our science and memory work!

  28. We would love to supplement our CC memory work with this awesome bundle :)

  29. I would use these cards pair with hands on work for further understand, independent studies, and vocabulary development. :-)

  30. This would be so great for our first year!!

  31. I am always looking for hands-on ways to memorize the new grammar for our CC class! This would be perfect for us!

  32. i love all of this! would love to use it at home with my littles : )

  33. Great giveaway! Mont Print Shop has such great stuff!

  34. I would use this to supplement our studies!

  35. These are great. I would use them for science.

  36. These look great for my 1st and preschooler!

  37. Another way to reinforce our memory work!

  38. I am so excited about this giveaway because this learning style is me! and my daughter! I am a tutor with Classical Conversations and will be able to promote these to many others. We will put in folders, as shown above, and this will empower us to be more organized (and I need all the help in that area that I can get lol). Thanks so much for this offer and for sharing with us!!

  39. My daughter is very visual and hands-on. This is a perfect way to bring classical even more to life for her.

  40. I'd love to incorporate these into our day. What a great resource!

  41. I am homeschooling my daughter for the first time this year. I live Montessori print shop and would be super excited to add these works to our program. :)

  42. Awesome. We just joined CC this semester and I could definitely use this packet to supplement our studies.

  43. I just recently purchased my first set of 3-part nomenclature cards from Montessori Print Shop, and I already had several of these sets on my "wish list" from there. These would be great to supplement our CC curriculum! Thank you!

  44. I am looking into CC. This looks like a great resource!
