Sunday, January 13, 2013

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 14 Plans

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to write these posts, as we have pretty much been doing only memory work at home, focusing more on our desired course of history than following the memory work to learn history.  We finished Story of the World 1 over Christmas and have now started Volume 2.  So we are still learning about the Fall of Rome and about to start Medieval Ages.  However, I know some people really appreciate my weekly posts, so I am going to try to keep them up with what I would be doing at home if we had more time.  I try to keep the plans very simple.  We are following the Cycle 1 Science at home adn next Monday I will have a lengthy post about how we try to attempt to mix Montessori with our Classical Conversations for Science.

History: Songhai in Africa
We'll read the back of the timeline card from last week (Songhai in Africa) for some background.

Geography: Ancient Africa
Trace and review map.  We also use the iPad app (the CC one) to review geography.  It's not as great as her finding the places on a blank map and I really wish the CC people had thought to have a blank map that as you touched the places, the names would appear so the kids could study this way, but we make do some days with reviewing geography this way.

Math: Linear Equivalents
There was a nice visual on CC Connected that I printed out to help us memorize the equivalents.

English:  Helping Verbs
Youtube video to tune of Jingle Bells.

Latin: Noun Cases
Bear's got these down pat.  But if she didn't, we would do this matching activity.

Science: What are the three types of rock?

We are using R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth and Space for Science.  They demonstrate igneous rocks by making fudge, but the ingredients are food we try to avoid, so instead I am going to repeat the Types of Rock Lunch I did with Bear two years ago when she was 3.

Types of Rock Lunch

Rock Cycle with Crayons

Rock Cycle reading comprehension 

A few lapbook components from Homeschool Share to glue into Science journal

Matching rock samples to nomenclature cards.  I have cards for four of each of the igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks from our rock kit.  Montessori Print Shop has beautiful three part cards for Igneous, Metapmorphic, and Sedimentary Rocks and if they had been available before I had made mine, I would have saved myself the trouble!  Their cards are always prettier than the ones I make!

You can see the rock activities I did with Bear at 3 in these posts.

Great Artist: Ghiberti
I love the resources that Brandy has put together for us at Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  I'm hoping to find a book about him at the library to read to Bear and J-jo and to repeat the foil art project from CC with J-jo on Wednesday..


  1. This was a very inspiring post! You almost converted me from Montessori to Classical....I admire all of the memorization. I would blend it in but, man, there are just not enough hours in the day as it is. You are doing SUCH a great job.
