Thursday, October 25, 2012

5 Reasons Sonlight is not Working for Us

I was so excited to be trying Sonlight this year.  I thought for sure it would be the answer.  I'm writing this post because as a blogger, I feel a sense of responsibility.  I know that as readers, we see what others are using and think, oh, that may work for me too, and we get a sense of "the grass is greener".   I don't want anyone to buy a curriculum I am using and then groan, "why did I buy this; it doesn't work for us!" I wanted to let you know how I am feeling about Sonlight now that we have used it for 14 weeks.  It might help you make a better decision about whether Sonlight is right for you.  Also, please feel free to email me with curriculum questions at any time if you are considering a curriculum I use but aren't sure if it would be a right fit for your family.  I don't mind those questions at all.
First, I have to say that Sonlight is a fabulous program.  I can understand why so many homeschoolers love it. And Bear loves anything we do that is from the Sonlight schedule. However, it is not working for me right now.  I should have known better, but I have always wanted to use Sonlight, even before I had kids, so I think it was just something I had to experience and learn from and get out of my system. Here's why it isn't working.

1) I started Story of the World Volume 1 in the summer, so we are farther ahead in history in SOTW than we are in our Sonlight schedule.  Drives me nuts! (It doesn't bother Bear at all.  She doesn't mind hearing about Egyptians again in A Child's History of the World , and then hearing about Greeks later in the week in SOTW.)

2) Because of point 1, I don't end up using the schedule.  I dropped CHOW and am using only SOTW and have skipped ahead in the SL schedule for history, but not the read alouds - it gets pretty confusing.

3) We signed the kids up for AWANA to be able to join a couples' small group that happens at that time at our friends' house nearby.  This means that I have AWANA stories to read with the kids throughout the week and AWANA verses for them to memorize.  This leaves us no time for SL Bible.  Sonlight Bible is fabulous in Core B (we did the first 6 weeks of it) and hopefully we will continue with it when AWANA ends for the year.

4) I love our Language Arts curriculum - and so does Bear - (a great mix of First Language Lessons , Writing With Ease , IEW's PAL writing, KISS grammar, and now Michael Clay Thompson's Island level language arts) that I don't need the Language Arts portion of Sonlight. Beside, Core B's language arts (the one that came with my used Core, not their newest language arts) is too easy for Bear.

5) The Core I bought used came with the Science materials as well.  We used it a bit before Classical Conversations started.  I really liked it, but I want to stick to the Classical Conversations topics for Science, so yet another portion I can't use for now.  My plan is to use it in the Spring when CC ends.

In short, I am trying to squeeze too much into the day and week and as a result, Sonlight doesn't fit in very well.  If I could resign myself to use JUST Sonlight, it would be a different story.  I'd be perfectly happy with Sonlight. Except, I just can't! Use JUST Sonlight, that is.  Aah!  Still, I'm glad I have that IG because I'm using all those reading and history guides and maps in there:)

Knowing now what I know, I won't be getting Core C next year.  I will continue with The Story of the World volume 2 and the Activity Book and buy some books from the Sonlight list (and the Veritas Press and the Tapestry of Grace lists) to complement the historical period.  You can see my very long wishlist of books for next year here, though don't think we will be getting all of them!  I will continue with Apologia and REAL Science Odyssey for Astronomy and I'm not sure what for physics.  Yet, who knows what might change between now and next fall!

No curriculum can work for everyone.  It's good to read different people's opinions before choosing and buying.  In spite of this, mistakes still happen.  Even if a curriculum was a great fit for one child, it may not be for the second.  It's my prayer that this post will be helpful to some in making a wise decision for what will work for their family.  I really love the idea of Sonlight, and actually, I like the curriculum, but it needs too much tweaking to be a good value for my particular situation.  There are too many other things I also want to include and it doesn't all fit in a day.  I'm glad I tried it.  No regrets.  Just great realizations!


  1. I previously used SL. We switched to Tapestry of Grace and I love, love, love it. However, I love the Eastern Hemisphere Core, so next year TOG is going on the back burner while we spend a year on SL.

    I am sorry it didn't work out for you, I know how frustrating that can be.

  2. So happy to know that I am not alone on this one! I always wanted to use Sonlight too, but it isn't working for us either :( I'm not sending it back though because the girls like the majority of the books, so we just use them as a reading list. The schedule did not work for us either. We also do Classical Conversations :)

  3. I would love to look into Sonlight but didn't want to spend $$ on a curriculum that might not fit. We need a pick and choose curriculum since K is asynchronous. I am wondering if Sonlight might be good for the older grades once we are done with SOTW which we love!

  4. Thanks for this honest post. I always like to hear what is not working for a homeschooler as well as what is working.

  5. I totally hear you! I looked at it and liked it, but I knew that I would be using other curriculum for certain portions. I will definitely use their reading lists as a source for good living books, but I have another curriculum that incorporates Bible characters with history that will take 3 years to complete and it has a lot of the same books on their list. I also didn't get it b/c of it's price. Alot of the books you can get from the libary. Thanks for being honest with us! And yes, sometimes, curriculums are the wrong fit at a certain time. Maybe things will be different when J-Jo is that age.

  6. I've run into that with curriculum too. We've struggled with finding the right reading one and I was so glad when we did.

  7. Definitely sounds like you were trying to mesh together way too many things!
    :). That must have been stressful.

  8. We don't use a strict curriculum here at home. I would say we are unschoolers. BUT we do use Sonlight books without their schedule. I can't do schedules. I have a friend who does Sonlight (reads the books, follow the schedule and all) and she lends me the books when her oldest is done with them).

    Like most unschoolers I follow my children's interests. My oldest is 9 and my second one is 7 years old. We have covered American History, Ancient History, Science, biographies, geography, Asian History, Church history, martyrs and missionaries and so much more just by reading books, watching movies and having discussions. We have jumped around a lot. And that is ok. I glean a lot of information and good books from people like you and others that do a strict curriculum and we use those as we want to.

    People are all different and we need to do what feels right and fits in with our lives. After all a curriculum was developed by someone who feels that was the right thing for them.

  9. Your post amused me - in summary, you are using several different curriculums and therefore the one that is supposed to be "one in all" doesn't work. Hmm, I can see why :)

  10. thanks for this. I can tell I will be a lot like you - wanting something 'all in one' but always wanting extra bits because I just LOVE books!

    sounds like there is much delight, much learning and refining things a long the way :)

    my kids are not yet at school age so we get to benefit from your experience while I pour over catalogues.

  11. I came across this post while searching for some ideas to coordinate with Sonlight. I am so sorry to hear you didn't love it. Our family sure does. We listen to SOTW on audio while we do our errands and such. The wonderful thing about homeschooling is that we aren't limited to a standardized curriculum and it's refreshing to hear someone come "out of the box" and give reasons why something DOES'NT work for them.

  12. We absolutely love sonlight for history and geography, but I regret buying the whole core for the same reasons.
    We're already doing our own bible work through our church (similar to AWANA) and other read aloud books and readers.
    Once I gave myself to toss the instructor's guide and just enjoy the books, things went much more smoothly.
    We will be purchasing the history and geography for core d (part to of intro to world history) without all the other bells and whistles, and without the IG. We're also going to be using Story of the World. I think Between the two we'll have a good foundation.

    I think the sonlight core programs are good for those who don't want to have to pick and choose anything and want everything set up for them. (Including other subjects.) We're just too picky for that I guess! And I like to tailor our schooling for the kids, rather than tailor our kids to the curriculum!

  13. We absolutely love sonlight for history and geography, but I regret buying the whole core for the same reasons.
    We're already doing our own bible work through our church (similar to AWANA) and other read aloud books and readers.
    Once I gave myself to toss the instructor's guide and just enjoy the books, things went much more smoothly.
    We will be purchasing the history and geography for core d (part to of intro to world history) without all the other bells and whistles, and without the IG. We're also going to be using Story of the World. I think Between the two we'll have a good foundation.

    I think the sonlight core programs are good for those who don't want to have to pick and choose anything and want everything set up for them. (Including other subjects.) We're just too picky for that I guess! And I like to tailor our schooling for the kids, rather than tailor our kids to the curriculum!

  14. OK, I got my answer and understand now :).
