Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeschool Snippets Week 5

We've already finished 5 weeks of homeschool.  It's hard to believe.  It seems we have finally found a groove.  Here are some things we've done (mostly this week).

We do 2 art projects a week, and these are the ones we've done in the last three weeks.  I host a weekly art and science class for some of our CC friends and we do artist studies that kind of tie in to what we are studying at CC.

Renoir Artist Study 
The focus was reflections (mirror images and upside down drawing) and color blending.

Chalk Pastel Rabbit by Bear (5) - we have been inspired by Hodgepodge's tutorials and have branched out to do our own drawings.

Edward Hopper Artist Study (the 3 year old rendition of beach and ocean)

Edward Hopper Artist Study (the 5 year old rendition)
The focus was on lines and patterns and using blocks of color.

Rembrandt Artist Study
The focus was shadows, and the use of light.

My Father's World Kindergarten J is for Jewel

Some Montessori-inspired practical life trays:
Spooning jewels

Scooping up gemstones that I hid in a container of lentils.  This was a hit all week.

Using the geometric cabinet, then tracing the shapes (as in the metal insets) 
and then lining the edge with "jewels".
 Cutting out J items.

 Reading words

Making a crown

Watching crystals grow.  I bought this inexpensive kit from The School Box.  We'll be making rock candy over the weekend.

Sonlight: Homer Price Chapter 1

Pulleys (Thanks Delightful Learning!)

Classical Conversations: Parts of an animal cell (we made both an animal and plant cell of jello and the kids are adding the chloroplasts to the plant cell in the photo).


  1. Such an inspiration! Wonderful post :)

  2. What a great-looking week! I can't get over how good the artwork is, too.

  3. I love all the art you are doing. What a great week of learning.

  4. Wow! 2 art activities a week. U'm jealous. I keep pushing it the back burner. I was hoping to find my groove and fit it in last week but it didn't happen.

  5. Lovely post! Love The pieces of Art! And Bear and J-jo are sooooo big, there look beautiful in that picture!

  6. I love the pullye ya'll made, what a great idea!

  7. @Ticia, I need to add the link into my post, but that idea completely came from

  8. Looks like they are having so much fun, makes me wish that we could homeschool too :o(
