Saturday, May 5, 2012

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 2

Ten Commandments: Ten Commandments: one lesson daily from this site to cover each commandment.  Goal: to memorize the hand motions to go with each commandment.  Use the hand motions as tutor in class

Science: ETA: I had weeks 1 and 2 Science mixed up - I am not sure if the order was different in the 3rd edition, which is what I had when I started planning.  I've since sold my 3rd edition and gotten the 4th, so  I can't check to see if that's why I had it confused.  In any case, sorry about the mistake.    I've fixed the mistake.

Five kingdoms of living things:

We will use this website for the lessons that week.  This page has a succinct description of each kingdom. Biology4Kids has a much more detailed account with photos (good for older student, but I plan to show mine the photos).  I'll have Bear do a narration of what she remembers from each kingdom at the end of the week.


The following is much more detailed, but I think Bear will appreciate that detailed. It's meant for a 7th grade class and there are even questions to ask for comprehension.

Assyrian Empire - This site has a pdf printable map of the Assyrian Empire.  The dates don't matter too much - the memory work is the surrounding bodies of water.  I needed a map that showed all of them.  We'll use this visual in class too.

Prepositions - continue to read books from last week and work on memorizing last week's song.


  1. What fun links! We're doing CC this fall also. Will you be in a community as a Tutor? The kids will be so lucky! I'd love to see your Geography Assyrian Empire map - it didn't link in the post. Looking forward to seeing your resources for the upcoming weeks! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sorry about that and thank you for bringing it to my attention. Will fix it later tonight. I am going to have to hunt down the link.

  3. Here's the link. I'll come back and add it to the blog post when I have the chance.

  4. Your finds and expansion ideas are terrific! Thanks again for posting them all for us.

  5. I'm starting CC this year with my 4yo, so I am SOOOO excited to have found your blog! :-) Thanks so much for sharing.
