Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Montessori Work

Here's what has been on our shelves the past couple of weeks for practical life and sensorial.

Sorting leaves
 Tweezing spiders.
  This evolved into tweezing spiders onto a pencil stuck in styrofoam

 Beads on a pipecleaner.
 Transferring acorns with tongs.
 A Fall sensory box with all the extra Fall manipulatives that weren't out.  I placed a sorting tray next to it and tweezers and tongs and two little jugs for pouring the erasers if wanted.
 From last year (inspired by My Montessori Journey) - a leaf button snake.  Just cut a small slit into those silk leaves.
J-jo found his homemade toys from when he was still under two.  Look at that concentration!
 Instead of pompoms (although I do have Fall colored ones) I gave him acorns to push into the hole.
 And then I challenged him to use tongs!

Linked to Montessori Mondays at One Hook Wonder and Living Montessori Now.


  1. Your collection of fall activities is so neat. I love the leaf button snake. We did one during celebration of St Valentine's Day and it was a hit. I must quickly buy the silk leaves !!!! Thanks for the inspiration ;-)

  2. Thank you for sharing more lovely ideas!

  3. Oh the leaf button snake is great. I have made a regular button snake but not given it to my toddler yet as I am not sure he is ready. I should take it out and see though.

    Where did you get the bigger tweezers? I have tongs but he still finds them hard to work with so he probably is not ready for tweezers yet.

    I searched for acorns around here with no luck! Could only find pinecones but both boys have enjoyed the sensory experience of playing with them. If I had acorns I guess I would of had to have worried about my younger one eating them {9 months} and although my 22 month old is pretty good about not mouthing stuff anymore he might of thought it was food also...

  4. That looks so fun! Great stuff you have there!

  5. Wonderful fall activities!

    Great idea to use the pencil with the spiders!


  6. I loved seeing your Fall themed trays. It's always fun to see what you are doing since our children are so close in age. I love the idea of tweezing the spider rings onto the rod. I'll have to try that.

  7. What wonderful fall hands on activiites!! I'd love for you to come link up at my Linky Party -

  8. Lovely autumn (fall?) activities. I love how you are using acorns as a material-totally free which is always a good thing!!!

  9. @Fiona - in theory the acorns would be free, but last year, I had trouble finding acorns in my neighborhood so I purchased these fake ones at Walmart. lol. The caps are real but the acorn part is not. They do feel real though.
