Friday, October 14, 2011

Artists and Art - Claude Monet

One afternoon, I was extremely tired and headachy so I let the children watch Linnea in Monet's Garden on Netflix.  Then, I remembered an art project from Fairy Dust Teaching and that we owned Claude Monet - Sunshine and Waterlilies by Stephen Plackard (a Smart about Art book), so I whipped together some Claude Monet art cards, printed out the waterlily painting for the frame and changed up the art shelf. 

I let Bear use my acrylic paints and we followed the steps at Fairy Dust Teaching (see above link).
As you can see, we used a stencil for the lily pad.  She ended up getting unwanted green on the blue, but I showed her how to paint over it - the beauty of acrylics is it covers up previous paint really well.  If I were to do this again, I would skip the stencil and let her free draw it.  I was really proud of how well she respected the paint and was extra careful not to get it on herself.  I totally forgot to remind her to get a smock.

Bear's rendition of the water lilies.

Bear kept telling me she was just like Claude Monet because she layered her colors.  Thank you Fairy Dust Teaching for a great art project.


  1. Wow, wonderful wonderful piece of art from Bear! Impressive! My son isn't into painting but he loves to draw and can really draw well. Is that normal? Or he can't just control the paintbrush yet? Hehe all he loves to do when we paint is to play with the paints or mix watercolour :)

  2. This turned out really well! We did the Picasso this week, and Anna had a lot of fun with this.

  3. And I just notice she's using both her left and right hand!

  4. @Miss Jae - I hadn't noticed that. How interesting.

  5. Indeed. She's making the lilies using her right hand and making the flowers with left... amazing!

  6. I love your art appreciation posts, Julie! Bear's rendition of the water lilies is beautiful! I featured your art appreciation posts and photo from your Claude Monet post in my Montessori-Inspired Art Appreciation post at
